
Why We Should All Be Using the Framework of Reproductive Justice
Amid widespread attacks on bodily autonomy, an intersectional approach can help guide our response.
In These Times Editors

Donald Trump’s Path to Victory
This is how the GOP plans to re-elect Trump in 2020.
Joel Bleifuss

The Democratic Socialists of America Helped Elect Them. Now What?
DSA chapters across the country are navigating relationships with politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Emma Whitford

No One Should Ever Listen to Anything Rahm Emanuel Has to Say About Politics
No amount of rebranding can change the fact that Rahm Emanuel's political career has been an abject failure.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Noam Chomsky: We Must Stop War with Iran Before It’s Too Late
The Trump administration is pursuing catastrophe to protect U.S. dominance.
Noam Chomsky

The Weapons Industry Lobbyist Advising Joe Biden
Stuart Eizenstat has worked as a powerful political advisor, as well as a corporate lobbyist for the oil and arms industries.
Naomi LaChance

When It Comes to U.S. Militarism, Elizabeth Warren Is No Progressive
There's one important issue on which Warren has not veered far from the Democratic establishment.
Sarah Lazare

Rashida Tlaib May Be Under Attack By the Right, But She’s Beloved in Her District
In These Times spent a day with Tlaib in Detroit.
Valerie Vande Panne

Young Democrats Are Furious Over the DCCC’s Blacklist Punishing Insurgents
At a time of rising energy on the Democrats' left flank, the DCCC is giving a crash course in how to alienate young progressives.
Branko Marcetic

We Talked with the New Hampshire Family in Andrew Yang’s Universal Basic Income Experiment
The $1,000/month from Yang has changed the Fassis' lives in small ways—and kindled their imaginations.
Andrew Schwartz

It’s Not Progressive To Fund Medicare for All by Agreeing to a Bloated Military
House Progressives tried to tie funding for bold social programs to the military budget, dollar for dollar. That's timid and wrongheaded.
Sarah Lazare

Write Black Americans a Check Already
Direct payments to individuals are an important piece of any reparations program.
William Darity Jr. and Kirsten Mullen

The Crackdown on Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange Is About Protecting U.S. Empire
By publishing information provided by whistleblower Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks shined light on U.S. war crimes. But exposing empire comes at a cost.
Chip Gibbons

Universal Programs, Not Reparations, Are Needed To Counter Racism’s Effects
The racial wealth gap is real and pernicious, but reparations are not the answer.
Zaid Jilani and Leighton Woodhouse

The 2020 Candidates Are Dodging the Reparations Question
Here's what they get wrong, and how to get it right.
Janaé Bonsu

The Alarming Rise of Civilian Deaths in the War On Terror
New reports show an escalation in civilian casualties from U.S. operations in Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia — and a pattern of U.S. denial about the scale of the problem.
Phyllis Bennis

As Long as Guantanamo Exists, Trump Has a Torture Chamber Ready To Use
The administration has discussed warehousing refugee children at the notorious prison.
Maha Hilal

Joe Biden Is Railing Against Hedge Fund Managers, But He Has a Long History of Courting Them
Biden may cast himself as the champion of working people, but he's seeking support from the same financial elite that he chides on the 2020 campaign trail.
Branko Marcetic