
The Democratic Socialists Scored Some Big Wins. Here’s What They’re Planning Next.
A conversation with Christian Bowe, national political committee member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Kate Aronoff
Socialists Just Showed the Democratic Party How to Win Across the U.S.
Tuesday night’s progressive electoral wave is proof that embracing a bold left agenda is the key to victory.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Meet Larry Krasner, Philly’s New Progressive DA Who Has Sued the City’s Police Dept. 75 Times
Krasner beat his Republican opponent by over 40 points last night, part of a progressive electoral wave across the country.
Nyle Fort
If Berniecrats Were British: How Jeremy Corbyn’s Momentum Won the Soul of the Labour Party
Momentum continues to play a central role in organizing the Left in the U.K.’s Labour party.
Sarah Jaffe
This Minneapolis Mayoral Candidate Wants To Disarm and Demilitarize Police—And He’s Winning
Raymond Dehn's progressive policies on criminal justice, housing and more are resonating across the city.
Valerie Vande Panne
Trump Must Go
We can’t have an out-of-control president with a finger on the button.
Joel Bleifuss
Want a Radical Alternative to Trump’s Immigration Agenda? Try Open Borders.
It's not just a pipe dream.
Dayton Martindale
Pruitt Is Removing Science Advisers Who Have Received EPA Funding, But He’s OK With Industry Funding
The EPA administrator called for scientific independence while drowning in fossil fuel money.
Kate Aronoff
Why the Minneapolis Political Establishment Is Scared of Ginger Jentzen
The socialist city council candidate is running on a platform of rent control and reducing inequality—and she’s massively outraising her opponents.
David Duhalde
When the Government Orders You to Burn Your Crops
Colombian farmers are a casualty of the war on coca.
Kimberley Brown
It’s Still Their Party: What the DNC Purge Means for the Democrats’ Left Flank
By removing Ellison and Sanders backers from DNC leadership, the Democratic establishment is ruthlessly tightening its grip on the party. Progressives should take a lesson.
Branko Marcetic
In CNN’s Tax Debate, Bernie Sanders Showed How Democrats Can Win with Socialism
By offering a bold vision of policies to help working families, Sanders voiced a popular alternative to Ted Cruz and the GOP's barbarism.
Kate Aronoff
When the Market Went Dark
Thirty years after the crash of ’87 and we’re still at the mercy of a volatile economic system.
In These Times Staff
Why Democrats and Movements Need Each Other
The Democrats are not just gaining voters. They are gaining activists determined to transform the party.
Frances Fox Piven and Lorraine C. Minnite
In Myanmar, “Anti-Terrorism” Is Cover for Ethnic Cleansing
A brutal state crackdown against the long-persecuted Rohingya minority has created a humanitarian crisis.
Amar Diwakar
The U.S. Bombed Afghanistan More in September Than Any Month Since 2010, But the Toll Remains Hidden
In the war on terror, Trump doubles down on a failed strategy.
Emran Feroz
Rural Americans and the Language Too Many People Use to Talk About Them
Nora Mabie
The Absolute Buoyancy: Why Corbyn and Labour Are Up and the Conservatives Are Down
The message from recent party conferences was clear: Labour is ascendant, while UK voters are tiring of Theresa May and the Tories.
Richard Seymour
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