
Let’s Be Real: Iran Has No Intention of Attacking Israel, with Nuclear Weapons or Anything Else
Despite doomsday warnings from American politicians, Iran has no serious intentions of attacking Israel or the West.
Marc Daalder
Why Radical Leftists Need To Stop Worrying and Back Bernie Sanders
Leftists can fantasize that they are doing a great service to humanity by scoffing at Bernie, but they’re merely isolating themselves from the rest of the country.
William Kaufman
The Wall Street Journal Wants You To Be Afraid of Bernie Sanders’ Budget Proposal. Don’t Be.
If anything, Bernie should be thinking bigger.
Doug Henwood
How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Jeopardize National Security
We are a "base nation," with soldiers and military bases circling the entire world.
David Vine
Meet the Group of African-American Organizers Building Black Support for Bernie Sanders
Will grassroots organizing within the black electorate be able to challenge Clinton’s hegemony?
Salim Muwakkil
Ten Thousand Is Not Enough: Why The U.S. Must Take More Syrian Refugees
Millions of Syrians have been forced from their homeland due to a conflict that we inflamed
Marc Daalder
Under Obama Administration, Federal Prosecution of White-Collar Crime Hits 20-Year Low
Prosecutions have fallen 36 percent since the Clinton years despite calls from Democratic presidential candidates for more pressure on Wall Street
David Sirota
Slavoj Zizek: We Can’t Address the EU Refugee Crisis Without Confronting Global Capitalism
The refugees won't all make it to Norway. Nor does the Norway they seek exist.
Slavoj Žižek
A New Plan for American Cities To Free Themselves of Wall Street’s Control
Arbitrary financial fees are sucking cities and states dry. But they can change the terms if they band together and bargain collectively.
Saqib Bhatti
Why Bernie Sanders Will Win This Election—Even If He Doesn’t Win the White House
American voters are mad as hell, and the rise of Sanders shows that they're not going to take it anymore.
Theo Anderson
Noam Chomsky: The Real ‘Grave Threat’ to World Peace Isn’t Iran—It’s the U.S.
The longtime leftist intellectual on the absurdity of American opposition to the Iran deal.
Noam Chomsky
The Real War on Families: Why the U.S. Needs Paid Leave Now
Investigation reveals the devastating effects of the lack of paid family leave: Our data show nearly 1 in 4 employed mothers return to work within two weeks of childbirth.
Sharon Lerner
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: The U.S. Military Is in Africa—But What Is It Doing There?
Journalist Nick Turse discusses his new book, Tomorrow's Battlefield: U.S. Proxy Wars and Secret Ops in Africa.
Marc Daalder
Gov. Walker Gets Off ‘Scot-Free’ For Alleged Campaign Finance Violations
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has halted an investigation into Walker's questionable campaign finance tactics.
Joel Bleifuss
Even One of the Koch Brothers Thinks We Need To End Corporate Welfare
Charles Koch argued for an end to preferential treatment for corporations—but did he mean it?
David Sirota
Iran and the Myth of Anti-Semitism
Iranian rhetoric isn't anti-Semitic—it's anti-Zionist.
Roy Isacowitz
The Amazing Plasticity of American Statecraft
Think of Washington as a poker player that gets dealt a hand consisting of half the deck: no matter how sloppily and stupidly it plays its cards, it is hard for it to lose.
Chase Madar
How the Government Fast-Tracked Shell’s Arctic Drilling
After Royal Dutch Shell's mishaps in the Arctic in 2012, the Obama administration indicated a major rethink of the approval process was in order—but instead, Shell got another rubber stamp.
Kamil Ahsan
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