
Bernie Sanders Won All Major Polls, But Corporate Media Declared Hillary Clinton the Debate Winner
Bernie Sanders by all objective measures "won" the debate.
Adam Johnson
Anderson Cooper’s Claim About Bernie Sanders’ Soviet Union Honeymoon Was Redbaiting and Deceptive
Cooper's implications were dishonest.
Timothy Lange
Why Last Night’s Democratic Debate Could Change the Conversation on Paid Maternity Leave
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton spoke forcefully about the need for paid time off for new mothers. Will it force Republicans to embrace the issue?
Marc Daalder
If We Can’t Ban Guns, Can We Make Them Safer?
As mass shootings mount, some activists believe they've found a smart way around the political gridlock.
Marc Daalder
Robert Reich: Why Hillary Clinton Is Wrong for Refusing To Resurrect Glass-Steagall
Resurrection of the Glass-Steagall Act has become an important policy difference between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
Robert Reich
Margaret Atwood on Climate Change, Her New Book and Why Socialists Are Better with Budgets
We asked the speculative fiction writer about this month's Canadian elections and (relatedly?) whether humanity is doomed.
Jessica Stites
New Hillary Clinton Emails: Anne-Marie Slaughter, Sidney Blumenthal Urged Libya Military Action
The most recent release of Clinton's emails show the two liberal advisors strongly encouraging U.S. intervention against Libya.
Branko Marcetic
Remembering—and Forgetting—the Lessons of Chicago’s 1995 Heat Wave
The reissue of sociologist Eric Klinenberg's classic book on the deadly heat wave should remind us that such disasters are anything but natural.
Daniel Hertz
How California Birthed the Modern Right Wing
Many of 20th-century conservatism's tricks were honed in 1930s agribusiness's fight against farmworkers
Chris Lehmann
NDP Rising Star Nathan Cullen on How Republican Tactics are Infecting Canadian Politics, and More
The rising star of the socialist-leaning New Democratic Party discusses how Canadian Conservatives are learning from their neighbors to the south.
Joel Bleifuss
Even Donald Trump Wants To Eliminate This Tax Loophole for the Rich, Yet Congress Won’t Do It
While dodging through this loophole, hedge fund staffers pay about half the tax rate that kindergarten teachers are assessed.
Jim Hightower
Asylum Seekers Face Kafkaesque Ordeal at U.S.-Mexico Border
Migrants have to choose between keeping their families together and finding safety.
John Washington
Sorry, Ms. Clinton: Outkast’s Big Boi Backs Bernie Sanders
But where Does Andre 3000 Stand?
Branko Marcetic
Jeremy Corbyn Is Already Pushing the Labour Party to Fight Inequality and Injustice
Despite a seemingly endless torrent of attacks and gossip, Corbyn is building a real alternative to politics as usual in the UK.
Jane Miller
Ralph Nader: The Incredible Vacuousness of the Race for the Republican Presidential Nomination
The mainstream media is complicit in the circusization of the Republican debates.
Ralph Nader
Bernie Sanders’ Refusal To Attack Hillary Clinton Isn’t Just Principled—It’s Political Genius
The democratic socialist is taking a stand by running a clean campaign, and it’s already making a big impact on the race for president.
Marc Daalder
The 1 Percent’s Houses Are Getting Bigger and Swankier While Average Americans Struggle To Make Rent
For a view of the inefficiencies of the free market, there's no clearer view than the U.S. housing market, where there are as many as 29 empty homes for every homeless person.
Rob Larson
NY Times Celebrates American Navy Pilots’ Dramatic Missions While Ignoring Iraqi Civilian Deaths
Reporter Helen Cooper won't let innocent civilian deaths get in the way of a "good" story.
Jim Naureckas
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