
Why Evangelicals Are Flocking To Donald Trump
Trump is beating Bible-thumping Ted Cruz among evangelicals. What do they see in a formerly pro-choice New York real estate mogul?
Theo Anderson
NY Times Rounds Up ‘Left-Leaning Economists’ Opposed to Bernie Sanders for a Unicorn Hunt
So slight is these economists' leftward lean that it would require very sensitive equipment to measure.
Doug Henwood
The Mainstream Media Barely Mentioned Bernie Sanders’ Recent Debate Comments on Henry Kissinger
On the major networks' newscasts, the exchange was only mentioned twice.
Jim Naureckas
New York Times Invents Left-Leaning Economists to Attack Bernie Sanders
The Times pieces misleads readers into thinking there is more skepticism about Sanders' plan among lefty economists than there actually is.
Dean Baker
Allen Dulles and the Cold War Within the National Security State
Looking back to the origins of the national security state helps us understand its power and scope today.
Joseph Fronczak
Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and the Kind of Discourse We Need
In the midst of a heated presidential campaign, it's crucial that the Left transcend sectarian squabbles
In These Times Editors
‘Liberal’? No. ‘Progressive’? Nah. How About ‘Democratic Socialist’?
The democratic socialist tradition that Sanders is invoking may be just what we need.
Leon Fink
It Goes Way Beyond Flint: America Has a Lead Crisis that Stretches from Coast to Coast
Millions of U.S. children are threatened by lead and other toxins nationwide.
David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz
Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Playbook Against Bernie Sanders Is a Lot Like Her 2008 Playbook Against Obama
Just about every attack that has been lobbed against Sanders thus far in the Democratic race was once hurled against Obama.
Branko Marcetic
Rewriting the Progressive Playbook
To counter the resurgent Right, Wisconsin progressives are thinking big
Joel Bleifuss
We Don’t Need To Break Up the Big Banks. We Need To Put Them Under Democratic Control.
The problem isn't that banks are "too big to fail"—it's that they're too important not to be under democratic control.
Jamie Merchant
The 5 Worst Excuses for Hillary Clinton’s Vote To Invade Iraq
Clinton supporters want Democratic voters to forgive their candidate's support for the most disastrous foreign policy decision in decades. They shouldn't.
Stephen Zunes
Bernie Sanders’ Moment of Truth
Bernie's political revolution reaches a decisive moment in the Iowa caucus.
In These Times Editors
How Bernie Sanders Put Socialism to Work in Burlington: A Profile from 1983
Sanders sailed to reelection as mayor of Burlington after transforming supposedly conservative issues into left victories, and helping democratize city government. In this 1983 profile, Sanders delves into why he believes “the word ‘socialism’ has value” and “politics is not dissimilar to art.”
David Moberg
Liberal Pundits Aren’t Amused By Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Anymore—They’re Terrified
In recent weeks, major liberal pundits are putting in overtime to freshen their case against Bernie Sanders, urging citizen's to ignore their conscience and quit screwing with the interests of the moneyed elite.
Kevin Gosztola
The Bizarre Experience of Agreeing with Trump
It's no coincidence that Trump, the candidate least in need of money or media attention, is the most outspoken against war.
Leonard C. Goodman
How Donald Trump Hopes to John Wayne His Way Into the White House
Why the American Hero trope is so dangerous
Susan J. Douglas
The Lessons of Syriza’s Failed Push Against Austerity
Austerity policies haven't worked in Greece, but neither have the radical Left's efforts to push back against them.
Branko Marcetic
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