
Good News for Bernie Sanders? Poll Shows 47% of Americans Would Vote for a Socialist
A sizeable chunk of Americans say they'd consider voting to send a socialist to the Oval Office.
Marc Daalder
The Confederate Flag Is a Symbol of Racist Terror. It Should Be Eradicated.
If we don’t eliminate the Confederate flag, we can only expect more racist, depraved acts like Dylann Roof's in our future.
Frank Smecker
Why Chicago Won’t Go Bankrupt—And Detroit Didn’t Have To
Detroit's bankruptcy wasn't inevitable. Neither is Chicago's. But the austerity hawks don't want you to know that.
Saqib Bhatti
Why Bernie Sanders Is the Perfect Candidate for This Moment in American Politics
Sanders's laser-like focus on inequality is perfectly in sync with the nation's current political climate.
Theo Anderson
In Max Blumenthal’s ‘The 51 Day War,’ Life in Gaza Looks Bleak, But Resistance is Growing
Blumenthal offers an unembellished look at the misery on the ground in the Gaza Strip during Israel's Operation Protective Edge in 2014.
Ben Lorber
How the Border Security Industry Will Profit Hugely From Climate Change
A hawk’s eye-view of global warming.
Todd Miller and Alex Devoid
The Death of Climate Denialism
Soon the Right will have to abandon its head-in-the-sand strategy—but its next tactic may be more dangerous.
Kate Aronoff
Actually, Bernie Sanders Isn’t a Crackpot—He Favors Policies the Majority of Americans Want
Despite what corporate Democrats and the Bernie-bashing mainstream media might tell you, Main Street America favors left-leaning policies.
Bill Moyers and Michael Winship
Two Years After Snowden’s Leaks, Little Has Changed in Obama’s Approach to Transparency
The public and even Congress are acting against mass surveillance. When will the President get the memo?
David Sirota
The Secrets and Lies of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
President Obama insists there's "nothing secret" about the massive trade deal—yet we aren't allowed to know anything that's in it.
Joel Bleifuss
Is Our Politicians Learning?
The most formidable challenger for Jeb Bush is his own brother’s legacy.
Susan J. Douglas
Michigan Is in the Midst of a “Massive Experiment in Unraveling U.S. Democracy”
The austerity-on-steroids measures currently taking place in Michigan may soon be coming to a state near you.
Laura Gottesdiener
Austerity: The Real Winner of the UK Elections
May’s elections delivered the familiar thud of disappointment.
Jane Miller
Syriza Has No Choice: Greece Must Prepare to Leave the Eurozone
To break from the program of brutal austerity that has been imposed on Greece, its leaders have no choice but to take radical action.
Alexandros Orphanides
In Rare Move, the Justice Department Drafts a Bill of Its Own—To Ensure Native Voting Rights
Stephanie Woodard
6 Lessons for the U.S. from Spain’s Democratic Revolution
How Spain’s 15M movement went from occupying city squares to city halls—without compromising its independence
Erica Sagrans
The $165 Billion Question for Hillary Clinton
When 20 foreign governments gave billions to the Clinton Foundation, were they expecting—and did they receive—quid pro quo arms deals from the State Department?
David Sirota
Meet the Latest Secret Free-Market Group That Wants to Take Over Your Public School
The Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) has been an invisible player in the free-market education reform movement.
Sarah Lahm
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