
A New Poll Has Bernie Sanders Leading Hillary Clinton by 7 Percent in the New Hampshire Primary
New Hampshire seems to be feeling the Bern.
Marc Daalder
Donald Trump Is the Most Honest Candidate in American Politics Today
Where other candidates appeal to a fictitious unity or pretense of moral integrity, he displays the power of inequality.
Jodi Dean
They Voted ‘No’ to Austerity. They Got ‘Yes’ Anyway. What Do Greeks Think About Tsipras Now?
We asked Athenians on the street how they feel about the Syriza leader's acceptance of the EU's terms and the lean times ahead.
Tomás Lynch
Bernie Sanders Speaks to 28,000 People in Portland, While Hillary Hosts $2,700-a-Head Fundraiser
The contrast between candidates could not be more stark.
Zaid Jilani, Alternet
The Bernie Debate: Would Sanders Advance Feminism and Racial Justice Better Than Clinton?
Feminists debate symbolism, socialism and racial politics in the presidential race
Kathleen Geier
It’s Not (Just) a Joking Matter: Why Last Night’s GOP Debate Should Terrify the Left
The race to the right has never been this swift.
Marc Daalder
We Watched the GOP Debate So You Didn’t Have To. Here Are All the Ridiculous Things That Were Said.
A crib sheet on Thursday evening's exhibition for everyone too busy (or too terrified) to watch
Darlena Cunha
Suddenly, Hillary Clinton Is a Critic of the TPP
After years of support for the trade deal, Clinton has seemingly backed off, as part of her newfound populism.
David Sirota
Scott Walker Is a Dictator-In-Waiting
Scott Walker 101: Pick fights. Smear and scapegoat opponents. Punish the defeated. Escalate.
Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
How an Anti-Austerity Protest Candidate Became the Frontrunner for Labour’s Leadership
Jeremy Corbyn's left campaign is shaking up UK Labour
Jane Miller
Bruce Rauner is Using a Manufactured Crisis to Bust Unions, Privatize Services and Destroy Pensions
The right-wing Illinois governor is slashing programs for the state and threatening bankruptcy for Chicago Public Schools instead of offering any revenue raising solutions.
Jennifer Ritter and Jacob Swenson-Lengyel
Lessons from Tonkin and Libya: We Need a President Who Won’t Trick Us Into War
Deception about Libya--and possibly Syria as well--descends from Vietnam-era policies. Both major parties are guilty. Where do the 2016 candidates stand?
Stephen R. Weissman
Jose Antonio Vargas on White People, Trump and Bernie Sanders’ Black Lives Matter Problem
The undocumented documentarian discusses why white Americans—including presidential candidates—have trouble talking about race.
Karen Gwee
Remembering Michael Harrington, A Heroic Democratic Socialist Leader
The vision of the socialist organizer, who died on this day in 1989, remains inspiring.
Maurice Isserman
The Media’s Portrayal of the Iran Deal Implies U.S. Imperialism Is a Good Thing
U.S. media commentary on the accord portrays U.S. global military supremacy as natural and desirable.
Gregory Shupak
Waiting for the Next Israeli Assault in Gaza
Before homes are even rebuilt in the ruins of the Gaza Strip, another war looms.
Max Blumenthal
Saqib Bhatti Debunks the Inevitability of Austerity in Detroit, Chicago and Around the Country
“The entire narrative has been shaped around the fact that you have to file bankruptcy, that it’s inevitable. ... That lets a whole class of people off the hook—the people who aren’t paying their fair share.”
Lillian Osborne
Richard Nixon’s Blueprint for Twenty-First Century America
Why we still live in a Nixonian world.
Tom Engelhardt
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