
American Hunger-Related Healthcare Costs Exceeded $160 Billion in 2014, According to New Study
Food insecurity, especially for children, remains near record high despite the Great Recession’s official end.
Elizabeth Grossman
The Israeli Occupation Is Its Own Worst Enemy
Boycotting Israel is the best way to save the country from itself.
Marc Daalder
3 Winners and 3 Losers from the Second Democratic Debate
Parsing the results of the Iowa debate.
Theo Anderson
The Paris Attacks Can’t Be Used To Limit Refugees or Blindly Bomb More Civilians
Our response to such unspeakable tragedies can't be to create even more tragedies in other countries.
Gregory Shupak
What a Good Moderator Will Ask Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in the Next Democratic Debate
Two issues that haven't received nearly enough attention.
Joe Conason
New Hillary Clinton Emails Show She Wanted Credit for Libya Intervention in 2011. Now She Doesn’t.
The latest tranche of Clinton emails recalls her pivotal role in the U.S. intervention.
Branko Marcetic
The GOP Debate Finally Got Substantive… But That Didn’t Make It Any Less Terrifying
Last night’s debate on economic issues showed yet again how uninterested the GOP is in fighting inequality.
Marc Daalder
5 Questions the Center for American Progress Should Ask Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Today
The center-left think tank has come under fire for inviting the far-right prime minister to speak. Will they seize the opportunity to ask tough questions?
Marc Daalder
How Henry Kissinger Helped Make Endless War an All-American Tradition
Kissinger's steadfast support for bombing as an instrument of “diplomacy” has coursed through the decades.
Greg Grandin
Why Bernie Sanders Is Different From Any Past Socialist Running For U.S. President
Sanders is heir to a long line of socialists campaigning for the nation's highest office, with a key difference—viability.
Joe Conason
Will the Media Again Rush to Declare Clinton the Winner of Tonight’s Democratic Forum?
Why TV's talking heads discount Bernie Sanders
Joel Bleifuss
With Kshama Sawant Claiming Reelection Victory, Seattle Doubles Down on Socialism
Sawant beat the establishment at its own game. Now comes the hard part.
Arun Gupta
The Democratic Party Just Declared Its Opposition to Keystone XL. Was It An Accident?
A DNC email bashing Keystone may force Obama to take a firm position on the issue.
Branko Marcetic
Why Canada’s Most Progressive Major Party Didn’t Make Big Gains at the Polls
While the New Democratic Party campaigned on a more progressive platform, the Liberals campaigned to the left just enough to sow doubt about the NDP—while the NDP moved to the center.
Gerard Di Trolio
Why Are U.S. Special Forces Operations Expanding Across the Globe?
This year alone, U.S. Special Operations forces have been deployed to a record-shattering 147 countries—75% of the nations on the planet.
Nick Turse
The Republican Congressional Caucus Has Devolved Into a Comedy of Errors
The antics of the Republican congressional caucus would be funny if they weren't affecting the orderly functioning of our federal government.
Jim Hightower
The Refugee Crisis No One’s Talking About
The Central American refugee crisis is just as large and urgent as the Syrian refugee crisis. Why are we ignoring it?
Joseph Sorrentino
Israel, Afghanistan and Drones: What the Democrats Didn’t Talk About Last Night
The Democrats' foreign policy discussions often took a hawkish line and avoided many of the most important issues that a future president will face.
Branko Marcetic
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