The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

I Couldn’t Help But Wonder…Is Democratic Socialism Catching On?
Sex and the City star and New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is now a democratic socialist.
Kate Aronoff
After Wall Street’s Destruction of Toys ‘R’ Us, Pension Funds May Divest From Private Equity
Doug Henwood and Liza Featherstone
The Tech Industry’s Push to Hire Autistic Workers Could Be a Recipe for Hyper-Exploitation
Julianne Tveten
Rural America
The Transition into a New Life: Church Land into Farmland
Leilani Clark
Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Could Spell a Fresh Hell for Workers’ Rights
Moshe Z. Marvit
With Anti-China Protectionism, the Left Is Aiding Trump’s Xenophobic Agenda
Tobita Chow
Amazon Is One Step Closer To Taking a Cut on Literally Every Economic Transaction
In a $5.5 billion sweetheart deal, Amazon has inserted itself between local businesses and local governments.
David Dayen
For Many Undocumented Workers, There’s No Such Thing As Minimum Wage
Sebastián González de León
Rural America
Quality Over Quantity: Shrinking Towns Can Thrive
B.A. Morelli
“No More Racist Bosses”: Why Workers at a Suburban Target Store Are Protesting
Bruce Vail
Scott Pruitt’s Replacement at the EPA, Andrew Wheeler, Could Be Even Worse
Wheeler might be able to navigate his way around the agency more effectively than Pruitt—and therefore do more damage.
Kate Aronoff
What the Supreme Court’s Week of Hell Means for People of Color
Sarah Jaffe
Self-Driving Cars Are Coming. Will They Serve Profit or the Public?
We can reclaim our cities from the auto industry—or we can spend all our lives in traffic.
Angie Schmitt
Tammy Duckworth Seems To Have Forgotten That Not All Midwesterners Are White
Duckworth said that while left politics are popular in the Bronx, they can't win in the Midwest. She's wrong in more ways than one.
Eli Day
Rural America
Rural Illinois’ Stake in the Poor People’s Campaign
Holly Ann Stovall
Is It Time for Parents to Unionize?
Rebecca Stoner
Araby: A Road Movie Driven By Economic Necessity, Not Wanderlust
A new film follows a working-class everyman through the margins of Brazilian capitalism.
Michael Atkinson
What We Mean When We Say Abolish ICE
Undocumented communities are demanding an end to devastating detentions, deportation and incarceration—not the transfer of such policies to a different agency.
Sarah Lazare
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