The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

What We Mean When We Say Abolish ICE
Undocumented communities are demanding an end to devastating detentions, deportation and incarceration—not the transfer of such policies to a different agency.
Sarah Lazare
Emma Goldman: A New Declaration of Independence
In an essay published in July 1909 in Mother Earth, Goldman—a lifelong radical—reminds readers that all humans were created equal.
Emma Goldman
Eugene Debs: The Mission of Socialism is Wide as the World
In an Independence Day speech in 1901, socialist leader Eugene Debs declared: "I like the 4th of July. It breathes a spirit of revolution. On this day we reaffirm the ultimate triumph of Socialism. It is coming as certain as I stand in your presence."
Eugene Debs
As We Celebrate “Independence,” Remember That the U.S. Left Its Colony Puerto Rico to Die
The disastrous impacts of Hurricane Maria were made by inequalities of race, income and access to U.S. political power.
Basav Sen
Sorry To Bother You Is the Anti-Capitalist Black Comedy We’ve Been Waiting For
Boots Riley’s new film shows how black liberation and labor politics are enmeshed. And it’s funny.
Lauren Michele Jackson
Calls to Abolish ICE Were Everywhere at the Massive March Against Immigrant Family Detention
As tens of thousands took to the streets this weekend, many marchers joined the growing demand to defund and dismantle ICE.
Grace Dixon
A Nationwide Campaign to Take Back Cities From the Corporations That Rule Them
Bryce Covert
The Left Just Won Big in Mexico
Andrés Manuel López Obrador won on a promise to reverse the disastrous policies of privatization and rampant corruption that have dominated Mexican politics for decades.
Jeff Abbott
How Corporations Plan To Use Janus To Turn Workers Against Their Own Unions
A union buster may be coming to your door.
Chris Brooks
How Portland Occupiers Shut Down ICE
Protesters kept the facility closed for 10 days. Although federal police reopened it June 28, occupiers say, "The camp is not going anywhere."
Arun Gupta
The Biggest Lesson from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Win? Run on Democratic Socialism.
The 28-year-old Latina scored the biggest upset of 2018 by rejecting Democratic Party orthodoxy and running on a laser-focused message of economic justice. If other candidates want to win, they should follow her lead.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
How the Left Can Seize the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has become a political body, and after the announcement of Justice Kennedy’s retirement, it’s up to the Democrats to take it back. Here’s how.
Marc Daalder
Low Wages Are Driving a Shortage of Care Providers. Now Elders and the Disabled Face a Crisis.
s.e. smith
The Root Cause of the Immigration Crisis: The West’s Legacy of Violent Conquest
The Trump administration's cruel policies towards black and brown migrants stem from a long history.
James Thindwa
Turning Abandoned Gold Mines Into Wheelchair Paths
How a motley alliance of hippies and hillbillies transformed a California mining town.
Stephanie Sauer
Rural America
America’s Dairy Farmers are Struggling and Unsupported
Debbie Weingarten
The Janus Decision Was Never About the First Amendment. It Was About Destroying Labor.
Bill Fletcher, Jr.
“A Bittersweet Victory”: MOVE Member Debbie Sims Africa on Being Released After 39 Years in Prison
Debbie is the first of the MOVE 9 to be freed from prison. But her family is still locked up.
Emily Abendroth
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