The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

Why Keith Ellison and Jeremy Corbyn Think We Should Cap CEO Pay
Does it make sense for a boss to earn more than 200 times what a worker does? The case for a maximum wage.
Dayton Martindale

Rural America
In Less Than One Generation, We’ve Lost More Than 10 Million Acres of the Best U.S. Farmland
Rural America In These Times

Investigation: Corporations Are Profiting From Immigrant Detainees’ Labor. Some Say It’s Slavery.
At privately run detention centers, immigrants say they're forced to work for $1 a day.
Victoria Law

At the University of Montana, You Must Pass an Anti-Rape Test Before You Register
After Jon Krakauer exposed a rape epidemic, the university embarked on a radical experiment in stopping sexual assault.
Gabriel Furshong

After Janus, Should Unions Abandon Exclusive Representation?
Kate Bronfenbrenner, Chris Brooks, Shaun Richman

Lessons From the First Palestinian Intifada
Recent Gaza demonstrations fall into a long tradition of mass unarmed protest.
Mason Herson-Hord

Progressives Have Won the Battle to Redefine What an “Establishment Candidate” Is
Recent elections show that in 2018, centrists no longer reign supreme.
Sean McElwee

Elon Musk Is as Obsessed with Fake News as Donald Trump
Kate Aronoff

It’s Time for the Climate Movement to Embrace a Federal Jobs Guarantee
Varshini Prakash and Sarah Meyerhoff

Rural America
Before “Silent Spring” Debuted in 1962, Ag Pilots on the Great Plains Questioned Pesticide Safety
David Vail

Does Post-Human Mean Part-Plant? A Look Inside a Fungal Utopia.
An artist asks what becoming one with nature could look like.
Sasha Kramer

How a Wave of New Voters Could Take Out Scott Walker in 2018
Thanks to increased voter registration efforts, Democrats may be able to oust Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker this fall.
Michael Leon

Stop Calling It an Arbitration Agreement—Employers Are Forcing Workers to Give Up Their Rights
Moshe Z. Marvit

The Surprising List of Democrats Who Just—Gratuitously—Bowed to Big Finance
David Dayen

What We Can Learn From How Laura Moser Made the Democratic Establishment Sweat
After her campaign was torpedoed by the DCCC, Moser gave the establishment's preferred candidate a run for her money.
Branko Marcetic

The Supreme Court’s Latest Anti-Worker Decision Deals a Major Blow to the #MeToo Movement
Rima Parikh and Tanner Howard

Want To Know How To Fix Facebook? Listen to Black Twitter.
For years, Black people have been the canaries in the coal mine for social media abuses.
Kimberly C. Ellis

Rural America
A Revived Poor People’s Campaign Calls for a “Revolution of American Values”
Jessicah Pierre