
The U.S.-Taliban Deal Won’t Bring Real Peace, But It Could Reduce the Bloodshed
Withdrawing even some of the U.S. troops, planes, drones and bombers from Afghanistan will reduce the killing.
Phyllis Bennis
Unions Across America Are Screaming For Paid Sick Leave and Healthcare
Hamilton Nolan
Guess Who’s Rallying for Medicare for All? Senior Citizens
Bernie's Medicare for All proposal would also fill the coverage gaps in Medicare.
Taylor Moore
“Social Poetics” Uncovers the Poetry of Everyday Workers
Mark Novak’s new book documents how worker-written poetry promotes international solidarity among workers
Harris Feinsod
We Need a Truth and Reconciliation Process for the Trump Era
When the post-Trump moment comes, there will be a temptation to turn the page. Instead, we need deep reflection.
K. Sabeel Rahman
Coronavirus Shows Capitalism Is a Razor’s Edge
Sarah Lazare
Why People From Around the World Have Volunteered for Bernie Sanders
"It affects all of us," says Arturo, a volunteer who hails from Spain.
Gabe Levine-Drizin
Despite His Losses, Bernie Sanders’ Agenda Is Winning
While Sanders lost in Michigan and other states, exit polls show voters want Medicare for All, an economic transformation and a nominee who will run on a progressive platform. Those demands aren’t going anywhere.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Austerity Could Make the U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak So Much Worse
The lack of investment in public health, a robust social safety net or universal healthcare system all make the U.S. especially vulnerable to the fast-spreading disease.
Natalie Shure
Never Forget: Anti-Union Attorneys Also Love Joe Biden
Hamilton Nolan
CNN’s Coverage of Sanders Was 3X More Negative Than Biden Following Their Big Primary Wins
A tale of two media narratives.
Juan Caicedo and Sarah Lazare
The Coronavirus Outbreak Shows the Disgrace of Not Guaranteeing Paid Sick Leave
Elise Gould
What Howard Zinn Got Wrong
The problem with Zinn’s work is that it fails to offer an honest account of how political change actually happens.
Kyle Williams
A Feminism for the Working Class
In 1999, Barbara Ehrenreich charged the feminist movement with advancing only "educated, middle-class women." Her critique is more pertinent than ever.
Indigo Olivier
How the UAW Went From a Militant, Trailblazing Union to a Corrupt, Dealmaking One
Chris Brooks
How the UAW Went From a Militant, Trailblazing Union to a Corrupt, Dealmaking One
The 50-year decline that led to Gary Jones' indictment.
Chris Brooks
The Young Turks Union Fight Gets Nastier With Charges of Retaliatory Firing, Withholding Raises
Hamilton Nolan
Freelancers Shouldn’t Betray Other Gig Workers By Allying with Anti-Union Opponents of AB5
Sascha Cohen
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