
Our 15 Most Read Stories of 2019
Throughout the tumultuous past 12 months, In These Times has been there every step of the way. Here are our most popular stories of 2019.
In These Times Editors
Impeachment Trial Will Take Sanders and Warren Off the Campaign Trail
The campaigns have plans, but some supporters worry Biden and Buttigieg will get an edge in Iowa.
Will Kang
Fox News, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda
For nearly a quarter of American adults, Fox News is their only cable news source. It tells them what Trump wants them to hear.
Joel Bleifuss
Buttigieg Is Shocked, Shocked at McKinsey’s Transgressions. But It Was Notorious When He Joined It.
McKinsey was embroiled in a nationwide scandal over helping insurance companies squeeze customers.
Branko Marcetic
CAP Publicly Distanced Itself From the UAE. 8 Months Later, It Was Still Meeting with UAE Lobbyists.
A foreign policy expert at the influential think tank remained close to UAE lobbyists.
Sarah Lazare
The “Collateral Damage” of the U.S.’s Unofficial War in Somalia
"Surgical" U.S. air strikes in Somalia affect more than just their targets.
Amanda Sperber
What the U.S. Left Can Learn From the Labour Party’s Epic Loss
Liberal pundits say the lesson is that Democrats shouldn’t move left. They’re wrong.
David Adler
Youth Activist to Chilean Leaders: Don’t Use the UN Climate Talks to Greenwash Your Repression of Us
"We are fearless," says Angela Valenzuela.
Christine MacDonald
Yes, Trump’s Impeachment Is a Partisan Pursuit—Just As It Should Be
What Trump's defenders miss: impeachment only works when it's partisan.
Thomas Geoghegan
Trump Just Gave the Israel Lobby What It’s Been Asking For. Here’s Why That’s So Dangerous.
The president's new executive order is an alarming escalation of his anti-Semitism--and his attacks against Palestinian rights campaigners.
Nora Barrows-Friedman
BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren Joins Bernie Sanders in Opposing Trump’s Massive War Budget
All other 2020 candidates have remained silent on how they will vote.
Sarah Lazare
Centrists Don’t Want “Party Unity”—They Want to Defend the Wealthy
Attacks by moderate Democrats on Bernie Sanders are really about defending corporate power and structural inequality.
Christopher D. Cook
Restorative Justice: A Much-Needed Alternative to Mass Incarceration
Courts and schools across the country are looking beyond punishment.
In These Times Editors
Reagan Lives On in Biden
For 40 years, Biden has pushed to cut federal spending. In a recession, don't expect him to prime the pump.
Branko Marcetic
The Takeaway From the Impeachment Hearings: Our Constitution Has Failed
To guard against another authoritarian president we can’t impeach, we need to reform our constitution.
Chris Edelson
How the Leader of the OAS Became a Right-Wing Hawk—And Paved the Way for Bolivia’s Coup
The Organization of American States is not a neutral arbiter. Just looks at its secretary general, Luis Almagro.
Branko Marcetic
Want More Proof of Corporate Media’s Anti-Bernie Bias? Look at MSNBC’s Democratic Debate.
During the debate and in the spin room, Sanders was treated more like an outsider than a front runner. It’s part of a broader anti-Bernie slant in the “liberal” network’s coverage.
Branko Marcetic
Why “High Hopes” Is the Perfect Dance Song for the Buttigieg Campaign
It’s a meritocratic fantasy.
Dayton Martindale
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