
If You Think Trump’s at War With the Deep State, Take Another Look at His Policies
The president is no populist, and he'll only strengthen the influence of illiberal extra-constitutional power structures.
Mike Lofgren
The Generals In Trump’s Cabinet Aren’t “Adults In the Room”—They’re Hungry for War
We can expect an even more aggressive foreign policy under Trump's mix of military men and ideologues.
William D. Hartung
Slavoj Zizek: We Must Rise from the Ashes of Liberal Democracy
Trump is a threat to global stability—only a new Left international can beat him.
Slavoj Žižek
If Nixon Could Tweet
The similarities between our current president and Tricky Dick don't bode well for the country—or for Trump.
Susan J. Douglas
It’s Not Enough to Fight Trump—Progressives Need a Vision for the Future
Either decorporatize the Democrats or create a viable third party.
Leonard C. Goodman
Cities Go Rogue Against Trump and the Radical Right
In a sea of red, blue enclaves test their power to rebel.
Theo Anderson
Scott Pruitt Is the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Manchurian Candidate
Soon-to-be-released emails may show just how deep the newly confirmed EPA administrator's ties go.
Kate Aronoff
If the Democratic Party Won’t Take Risks, It’s Up to Us
Now is not the time to play it safe.
Christopher Hass
Trump’s Far-Right Israel Stance Creates an Opening for the Left
But congressional Democrats won't act without a push.
Stephen Zunes
The Mass Protests of the Anti-Trump Resistance Are Starting to Win. Here’s How.
From the airport protests to work stoppages, Americans are taking dramatic and disruptive actions that have scored real victories.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Is Russia a Red Herring?
A debate over whether the Left should focus on collusion between Trump and Russia.
Chris Edelson and Bhaskar Sunkara
Trump’s Israel Envoy Pick Funds West Bank Settlements. Here’s Why That’s a Problem
A U.S. network of pro-settlement non-profits aids in the displacement of Palestinians.
Alex Kane
The New York Times Missed Trump’s Biggest Lie
The corporate media is fact-checking our new Liar-in-Chief--but only to a point.
Jim Naureckas
Indivisible: The Left Group Shaking Up Congress From the Grassroots
Coopting Tea Party tactics, former Democratic Congressional staffers provide the Trump resistance with a step-by-step lobbying guide.
Kate Aronoff
Bernie Sanders Schools Ted Cruz on Why We Need “Medicare for All”
CNN's Obamacare debate opened up fundamental questions that Republicans would rather avoid--like how to make healthcare access universal.
Theo Anderson
How the Left’s Long March Back Will Begin in the States
Progressives’ answer to ALEC is helping to build power from the ground up.
Theo Anderson
Robert Reich: Why Putting Steve Bannon on the National Security Council Is So Terrifying
The dangers of "America First."
Robert Reich
Voting Doesn’t Have To Be Winner-Take-All
To get people engaged in politics, we need an electoral system based on proportional representation.
Joel Bleifuss
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