The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

How Disabled Activists Are Fighting Isolation, Collectively
In the Bay Area, mutual aid projects are helping build community in a time of social distancing.
Brooke Anderson
Here’s What a General Strike Would Take
Hamilton Nolan
Workers Are Essential, CEOs Are Not
Mindy Isser
These Billionaires Are Hoarding Wealth While Denying Workers Paid Sick Leave
In the midst of a deadly pandemic, the CEOs and families in control of our largest companies are living lavishly while denying their workers basic benefits.
Munira Lokhandwala and Derek Seidman
As Sanctions Kill Iranians Stricken With COVID-19, Democratic Leaders Are Silent
Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are calling on Trump to curb the suffering. Where is Democratic leadership?
Sarah Lazare
Millions of People Can’t Pay Rent. Here’s How Some Are Organizing.
Tenants and housing groups across the country are calling for a pause on rent and mortgage payments.
Mindy Isser
Rural America
In the Time of Coronavirus, the Decimation of Local News Outlets Could Have Lethal Consequences
Camille Baker
What’s Joe Biden’s Response to Coronavirus? Even He Doesn’t Seem Sure.
Biden's coronavirus response plan doesn't just fall short—it also doesn't match what he's been telling the public.
Branko Marcetic
Garbage Collectors’ Lives Are Not Disposable
Mindy Isser
Fatalistic Grocery Workers Demand Hazard Pay, Saying “Infection Is Inevitable”
Hamilton Nolan
One Big Reason Bernie Sanders Must Stay in the Race
Only if he continues his campaign will the Democratic Party reform movement be able to bring resolutions to the convention floor.
Larry Cohen
The Coronavirus Crisis Is Disaster Capitalism In Action. Here’s How the Left Can Respond.
Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor offer strategies for resistance and collective action in a time of social distancing.
Amber Colón Núñez
Some Thoughts On Our Breaking World
A conversation with Tom Sexton of the Trillbilly Worker's Party podcast.
Maximillian Alvarez
Nationalize Amazon
Dealing with the coronavirus pandemic demands a novel solution: placing the e-commerce giant under public control.
Paris Marx
Corporate America Fleeced Us Again
The coronavirus bill is an orgy of corporate welfare that rivals the 2008 bailout.
Moe Tkacik
The GOP Is Exploiting Fears of Rising Suicides to Protect Wall Street Profits
If Republicans really cared about stopping deaths of despair, they’d advocate for a robust social safety net.
Sarah Lazare
Working or Unemployed, Construction Workers Are Screwed
Hamilton Nolan
Jeff Bezos Embodies the Cruel Autocracy of Neoliberal Capitalism
Amazon CEO and richest-man-in-the-world Jeff Bezos wants you to work as much as he does—for one millionth of the pay
Branko Marcetic
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