The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

Brazilian Companies Pressure Workers to Vote for a Fascist Presidential Candidate
Michael Fox
Why I’m Sick and Tired of Hearing About Russiagate
Mueller won’t save us from the deep flaws in our democracy that brought us Trump.
Jessica Stites
The U.S. and Saudi Arabia Have Been Getting Away With Murder for Years
Saudi Arabia's alleged killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi has forced the kingdom's brutality into the media spotlight. Meanwhile, the war on Yemen has taken a back seat.
Roqayah Chamseddine
When Gig Economy and Fast Food Workers Band Together
James F. Kelly
Trump’s Space Force Is No Joke
China, Russia, and the U.S. are already militarizing space. Here’s why that’s dangerous.
Branko Marcetic
To Address the Climate Crisis, We Must Completely Rethink How We Produce and Consume Food
Market-driven solutions won't cut it.
Christopher D. Cook
The Case For Giving Every American $25 “Democracy Vouchers” For Every Election
Refusing corporate donations is just a start—we need real campaign finance reform to revive democracy. A radical experiment in Seattle may point the way forward.
Adam Eichen
Thousands of Amazon Delivery Drivers Won’t Be Eligible for the $15 Wage
David Dayen
The Discourse on Palestine Is Shifting. Will Concrete Policy Changes Follow?
The conversation is still overwhelmingly one-sided. But that's slowly changing thanks to the hard work of activists.
Phyllis Bennis
Socialist Foreign Policy Must Center Climate Change
A new progressive internationalism must be tailored to meet this century’s challenges.
Meredith Tax
The Trucking Industry Is a “Sweatshop on Wheels.” Here’s How Kavanaugh Could Make It Worse.
Michael Arria
Trombones on the Picket Line: Lyric Opera Orchestra on Strike For the First Time in 50 Years
Amelia Diehl
Electronic Monitoring Isn’t Helping People on Parole, It’s Sending Them Back to Prison
A new report shows that electronic monitoring is expensive, faulty and lacks regulation, making it harder for those on parole to re-enter society.
Talia Wright
Rural America
20,000 Native Voters for North Dakota?
Stephanie Woodard
Why We Should Take Weight Discrimination Seriously As a Workers’ Rights Issue
Bryce Covert
Kavanaugh Is Terrible on Workers’ Rights—And That’s Anti-Woman, Too
Julianne Tveten
These Activists Say Sabotaging Pipelines Is Legally Justified Because Humanity Hangs in the Balance
A landmark trial will test the argument that civil disobedience is needed for the greater good.
Jessica Corbett
The Philippine President Is Waging a Ruthless War on Drugs—And the U.S. Is Complicit
The International People’s Tribunal found that President Rodrigo Duterte is responsible for grave human rights violations.
Azadeh Shahshahani
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