The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

How Pro Sports Became Part of the U.S. Military’s War Machine
Since 9/11, public displays of patriotism have been built into major sporting events. Here's why that's so insidious.
William J. Astore

Trump Quietly Overrides What Little Civilian Protections Remain in Yemen War
Ignoring Congress, Trump says he doesn't have to obey limited protections included in the defense bill.
Sarah Lazare and Shireen Al-Adeimi

A Rundown of All the Ways Trump Is Overseeing an All Out, Under-the-Radar Attack on Workers
Steven Hill

How to Defend Workers Against Immigration Raids
Dan DiMaggio & Pioneer Valley Workers Center Staff

Rural America
Court Backs Navajo Candidate, Blasts Utah County
Stephanie Woodard

How Prison Gerrymandering Strips Power from Communities of Color
Prisoners have become the latest tools in statewide redistricting strategies to empower rural, white districts.
Grace Dixon

What Today’s Socialists Can Learn From the 1970s New Communist Movement
An interview with Max Elbaum, author of Revolution in the Air.
Micah Uetricht

Inside Mexico’s Anti-Capitalist Marketplaces
How some Mexicans are using barter and alternative currencies to build an economy beyond profit.
Ava Tomasula y Garcia

Meet the Militant Taxi Drivers Union That Just Defeated Uber and Lyft
Chris Brooks

We Can’t Confront Fascism Without Addressing White Settler Colonialism
Why Indigenous resistance is central to the fight against white supremacy.
Jen Deerinwater

Will the Mexican President-Elect’s “New Revolution” Include the Thousands of Disappeared?
Abandoned by the state, families are continuing the search for their missing loved ones. Andrés Manuel López Obrador has an opportunity to help.
Chantal Flores

As Lava Consumes Hawaii, Residents Are Responding with Disaster Communism
From geologists to acupuncturists, community members offer support to the displaced.
Valerie Vande Panne

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return
The newly elected Democratic nominee for Congress talks about how she plans to help working-class Detroit and why she supports a one-state solution for Israel-Palestine.
Valerie Vande Panne

Trump’s NLRB Is Back in Action After Its Ethics Scandal—And It’s Not Good for Workers
Bruce Vail

How a Small Town in Iowa Freed Local Workers From ICE Detention
A grassroots movement is growing to raise bail for people held by ICE.
Elena Carter

What It Really Means To Abolish ICE
The root of the problem is the criminalization of immigrants.
In These Times Editors

There Is a Coordinated Campaign to Suppress Criticism of Israel
Israel's human rights violations are accompanied by U.S. efforts to stifle dissent.
Azadeh Shahshahani

Rhode Island Elected A Slate of Progressives in 2016. Now Centrists Are Coming for Them.
The Democratic Party establishment is launching a counterinsurgency.
Steve Ahlquist