Cole Stangler writes about labor and the environment. His reporting has also appeared in The Nation, VICE, The New Republic and International Business Times. He lives in Paris, France. He can be reached at cole[at]inthesetimes.com. Follow him @colestangler.

The Institutions of the Left Did Little
How Occupy survived despite a lack of union support.
Cole Stangler

House Hacks Away at Environmental Regulations
In two-day binge, the GOP greased the way for drilling and fracking.
Cole Stangler

Drone Free Zone
At the second annual Drone Summit, Code Pink and Cornel West argue that all lives are equal.
Cole Stangler

Trans-Pacific Partnership Opponents Score Major Victory
This week, 174 House members declared their opposition to fast-tracking the free-trade agreement.
Cole Stangler

Who’s to Blame for ENDA’s Demise?
Democrats and major gay-rights groups haven’t pressed all that hard to end workplace discrimination.
Cole Stangler

A Fight Builds Over Multi-Employer Pensions
Unions are stepping up to oppose a likely bill in Congress to slash benefits.
Cole Stangler

Mining Company Sues Canada Over Fracking Ban in Quebec
New trade agreements could hamstring progressive regulations in North America.
Cole Stangler

Ralph Nader: Madder Than Ever
The five-time presidential candidate has a four-letter word for today's Democrats.
Cole Stangler

Is Local TV Going Down the Tubes?
An FCC loophole allows media conglomerates to corner smaller broadcast markets.
Cole Stangler

At Long Last, Congress Hears From a Drone Strike Victim
A Pakistani family devastated by drones gave a landmark briefing on Tuesday.
Cole Stangler

Social Democracy in the South
Bernie Sanders talks about economic justice—and the possibility of a presidential run—on a three-day road trip.
Cole Stangler

The War on Pensions Goes Federal
Congress could apply a 'haircut' to previously sacrosanct pensions.
Cole Stangler

‘FDR Democrat’ Vies for Congressional Seat
In a five-way Democratic race in Massachusetts, Carl Sciortino is jockeying for leftmost.
Cole Stangler

Progressive Democrats Fear Showdown Will End in Social Security Cuts
In a rally on Thursday, Congress’s left flank linked arms against using safety-net programs as bargaining chips.
Cole Stangler

Your Internet’s in Danger
Verizon v. FCC could lead to one Internet for the 'haves' and another for the 'have-nots.'
Cole Stangler

What Bootstraps?
Proposed food stamp cuts could leave job seekers with nowhere to turn.
Cole Stangler

Welfare Reform 2.0?
House Republicans are gearing up for massive food stamp cuts.
Cole Stangler

D.C. City Council Defeats Living Wage Bill
Cole Stangler

Will Syria Re-Energize the Anti-Drone Movement?
Buoyed by the Syria outcome, anti-war groups are charging ahead.
Cole Stangler

War, Interrupted
Peace advocates remain cautious as Obama signals diplomatic turn on Syria.
Cole Stangler

War With Syria? Not So Fast
As opposition builds in Congress, an international proposal to avoid bombing gains traction.
Cole Stangler

The ‘Strange Majority’ Against Syrian Intervention
A coalition of anti-war progressives and Republicans could stop the U.S. from going to war.
Cole Stangler

Will Congress Block an Attack on Syria?
Congress members are clamoring to be consulted, but few publicly oppose intervention.
Cole Stangler

Looking for Fraud in All the Wrong Places
Republicans say they're slashing food stamps because of fraud. So why are they expanding a much more fraud-prone program?
Cole Stangler

The March on Washington at 50: What Now?
Some 175,000 people rallied for racial justice on Saturday, but the march's demands were diffuse.
Cole Stangler

Tar Sands Drones Are On Their Way
The energy industry wants to use unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor pipelines.
Cole Stangler

The Drone Boom
A report from the unmanned systems industry convention, where everyone's upbeat (just don’t say ‘drone’).
Cole Stangler

MBAs Without Borders
Will a backroom trade deal let the corporate class skip the immigration line?
Cole Stangler

Non-Profits Take To the Air
New FCC rules will enable hundreds of community organizations to apply for FM licenses.
Cole Stangler

The Next Keystone XL?
With TransCanada's tar sands megaproject, a new front opens in North America's pipeline wars.
Cole Stangler

Rebels With a Far-Right Cause
A new generation of libertarians is being groomed for Republican leadership.
Cole Stangler

Keystone XL Protesters Converge On The Capital
Cole Stangler

Why Did 83 Democrats Vote to Continue NSA Surveillance?
This time, we can't blame the Republicans.
Cole Stangler

Grandparents Join Their Grandchildren in a 60-Mile Hike for Climate Justice
Cole Stangler

Congress Members Move to Restore Voting Rights Act
A bipartisan group of lawmakers is taking steps to reinstate the civil-rights law invalidated by the Supreme Court.
Cole Stangler

U.S. Politicians Seduced by Iran’s Shadow Government
A group of wealthy, hawkish Iranians-in-exile has premier access to U.S. Congress members.
Cole Stangler

House Evades Food Stamp Renewal
A program that feeds millions faces an uncertain fate.
Cole Stangler

Labor and Living Wage Advocates Thwart Wal-Mart in D.C.
Cole Stangler

New Federal Order Clears Way for Large Scale Solar Development
Cole Stangler

Food Stamps on the Chopping Block
Washington's attack on the poor continues as the Senate votes for big cuts to food aid.
Cole Stangler

84 House Democrats Say ‘No’ to Austerity
The Congressional Progressive Caucus' budget may have failed, but it failed well.
Cole Stangler

Taking a Stand Against Cuts
Will the Congressional Progressive Caucus hold the line against austerity?
Cole Stangler

Progressive Democrats: Inside and Outside
Activists and progressive Democrats met this week to set their agenda for the next four years.
Cole Stangler

A Peoples’ Inauguration
The Progressive Democrats of America plan to bridge the gap between Capitol Hill and the progressive grassroots.
Cole Stangler

Banning a Boycott
A new Israeli law tries to squelch the BDS movement—but it may backfire.
Cole Stangler
Student Leaders Demand a Debt Deal—Without Any Demands
Cole Stangler
France’s Bastille Day Military March Sparks Another Controversy
Cole Stangler

Ending Our 10-Year War
Dissatisfied with President Barack Obama, antiwar groups push for a faster exit from Afghanistan.
Cole Stangler