
We Can Criticize U.S. Imperialism and Oppose Putin, Too
The rise of fascism is not to be taken lightly.
James Thindwa
With Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez Backing Him, Abdul El-Sayed May Be on the Verge of a Stunning Upset
Riding a wave of left energy, gubernatorial candidate El-Sayed could follow the lead of Sanders in 2016 and score a shocking primary win in Michigan.
Theo Anderson
The Media Is Giving Facebook a Free Pass to Shut Down Activists Over Russia Fears
An anti-fascist coalition says its event page was unfairly targeted in the tech giant's latest crackdown.
Sarah Lazare and Julianne Tveten
Jonathan Chait Is the Last Person We Should Listen To When It Comes to Trump and Russia
Chait says Russiagate skeptics are foolish. Here's why he's completely wrong.
Branko Marcetic
The Long History of America’s Violent Intervention in Afghanistan
The people of Afghanistan are paying a horrible price for the protracted U.S. occupation.
Gregory Shupak
Socialists Practice Internal Democracy, Endorse Cynthia Nixon—And the Media Is Riveted
Mainstream outlets can't stop writing about how the NYC DSA’s endorsement of Cynthia Nixon was a model of democracy in action, unlike the Democratic Party.
Kate Aronoff
“Democratic Socialism Will Prevail”: An Interview with Ron Dellums in 1976
Dellums, a democratic socialist member of the House of Representatives, was interviewed in the first issue of In These Times, saying “if democracy means anything, it should mean a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people.”
John Judis
At the World Bank’s Climate Summit, Financiers Trade Carbon While the World Burns
At “Innovate4Climate,” the people destroying the planet gather to congratulate themselves on their climate efforts.
Kate Aronoff
On the Complexities of Calling 911, Even in Cases of Sexual Violence
A police abolitionist and anti-rape advocate explains why involving the police doesn't always ensure safety.
Alisa Bierria
Trump’s Turn to Electronic Monitoring Isn’t a Humane Solution
ICE's use of electronic monitoring devices poses risks to immigrants released from detention.
Zachary Kligler
Israel’s New Nation-State Law Enshrines Apartheid
The formal embrace of ethnic cleansing strengthens Israel's right wing--and portends an escalation of violence against Palestinians.
Alex Kane
The Killing of Harith Augustus Shows How Police Violence and Capitalism Are Inextricably Linked
On Chicago police, economic violence and the Black resistance movement.
Aislinn Pulley
From Italy to Hungary, the Trumps of Europe Are Rising to Power
The leader of Italy’s far right, an admirer of Trump, has suggested a “mass cleansing” of Roma.
Joel Bleifuss
Will Dems Fight the Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh? Organizers Are Pushing Chuck Schumer To Act.
A conversation with an organizer from Indivisible.
Sarah Jaffe
Left Candidates Have to Do Better on Palestine
Ocasio-Cortez missed an opportunity to push a left position on Israel. But it's not too late to change that.
Corey Robin
What the Liberal Establishment Gets Wrong About the Trump-Putin Summit
Charges of treason and other reactionary rhetoric build support for a more confrontational—and dangerous—stance towards Russia.
Branko Marcetic
Given What the U.S. Has Done to the World, It Should Be Letting All Refugees In
The U.S. is slamming the door on people forcibly displaced by American interventions.
Khury Peterson-Smith
Bernie Sanders on Labor’s Future and Why Democratic Socialists Keep Winning
An exclusive interview with Sen. Sanders on how labor can respond to Janus, the fight to move the Democratic Party left and the growing popularity of democratic socialism.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
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