
The NATO Summit Wasn’t a Victory for Trump—It Was a Victory for Militarism
Major media outlets are so focused on Russiagate they are missing the dangerous international military buildup taking place.
Branko Marcetic
I Couldn’t Help But Wonder…Is Democratic Socialism Catching On?
Sex and the City star and New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is now a democratic socialist.
Kate Aronoff
Scott Pruitt’s Replacement at the EPA, Andrew Wheeler, Could Be Even Worse
Wheeler might be able to navigate his way around the agency more effectively than Pruitt—and therefore do more damage.
Kate Aronoff
Tammy Duckworth Seems To Have Forgotten That Not All Midwesterners Are White
Duckworth said that while left politics are popular in the Bronx, they can't win in the Midwest. She's wrong in more ways than one.
Eli Day
The Biggest Lesson from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Win? Run on Democratic Socialism.
The 28-year-old Latina scored the biggest upset of 2018 by rejecting Democratic Party orthodoxy and running on a laser-focused message of economic justice. If other candidates want to win, they should follow her lead.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
How the Left Can Seize the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has become a political body, and after the announcement of Justice Kennedy’s retirement, it’s up to the Democrats to take it back. Here’s how.
Marc Daalder
“A Bittersweet Victory”: MOVE Member Debbie Sims Africa on Being Released After 39 Years in Prison
Debbie is the first of the MOVE 9 to be freed from prison. But her family is still locked up.
Emily Abendroth
Ben Jealous’s Victory Is Proof the Democratic Party’s Left Flank Is Winning Concrete Power
Jealous's victory in Maryland shows the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party is ascendant—and that bold progressive ideas are the path to victory.
Theo Anderson
A Socialist Woman of Color Just Turned the Entire Democratic Party Upside Down
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's shocking upset is the surest sign yet that the Democratic Party's future lies in its left flank—and in challenging capitalism head-on.
Kate Aronoff
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Why She Wants to Abolish ICE and Upend the Democratic Party
In an interview, the left primary challenger discusses everything from how Democrats have failed to protect working class interests to the need for a Marshall plan for Puerto Rico and why her democratic socialist message is catching on.
Kate Aronoff
This Latina Democratic Socialist Could Unseat One of the Most Powerful Democrats in Congress
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is waging an insurgent challenge to incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in New York—and her bold left message is gaining steam.
Amir Khafagy
Trump’s Order Says Immigrant Families Can Be Jailed Together, But What They Deserve Is Freedom
The president's new executive order is clear: The incarceration of parents and children will continue--and likely expand.
Sarah Lazare
We Must Not Forget the Refugees Thrown Into Limbo by Previous Trump Orders
In May, Trump ended Temporary Protected Status for about 57,000 Hondurans living in the United States. They’re still dealing with the uncertainty.
Alex V. Hernandez
Meet Oklahoma’s Anti-Privatization, Pro-Pot Candidate for Governor
Progressive Connie Johnson—and a medical marijuana legalization initiative—will be on the Oklahoma ballot June 26.
Valerie Vande Panne
The Rallying Cry of a Nationwide Movement: “Chinga la Migra” (F*ck Border Patrol)
Amid the horror of family separation, a grassroots network spearheaded by Mijente is launching a national tour of resistance.
Michelle Chen
Do We Need a Universal Basic Income? A Debate.
Getting free money from the government is popular. But would it prop up capitalism?
Matt Bruenig
Do We Need a Federal Jobs Guarantee? A Debate.
Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker and Bernie Sanders have all proposed a job guarantee. But would it be drudgery?
Rohan Grey & Raúl Carrillo
How America Is Exporting Gun Violence to Mexico
A failed drug war and lax U.S. gun regulations spell out disaster for Mexico.
Laura Weiss
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