
Progressives Have Won the Battle to Redefine What an “Establishment Candidate” Is
Recent elections show that in 2018, centrists no longer reign supreme.
Sean McElwee

How a Wave of New Voters Could Take Out Scott Walker in 2018
Thanks to increased voter registration efforts, Democrats may be able to oust Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker this fall.
Michael Leon

What We Can Learn From How Laura Moser Made the Democratic Establishment Sweat
After her campaign was torpedoed by the DCCC, Moser gave the establishment's preferred candidate a run for her money.
Branko Marcetic

Want To Know How To Fix Facebook? Listen to Black Twitter.
For years, Black people have been the canaries in the coal mine for social media abuses.
Kimberly C. Ellis

Illinois Bill Would Allow Cops to Spy on Protesters Using Drones With Facial-Recognition Technology
Putting this new surveillance power in the hands of police would threaten the most basic right to assemble.
Matthew McLoughlin

Chase Says It’s Fighting Climate Change. So Why Is It Financing the Fossil Fuel Industry?
Here's why climate justice campaigners protested the big bank's shareholder meeting last week.
Kate Aronoff

The Never-Ending Nakba
Israel mass-expelled Palestinians from their lands in 1948. The displacement hasn't stopped since.
Rahul Saksena

Inside the Closed Facebook Groups Where the Teacher Strikes Began
How Facebook helped make the wave of teachers’ strikes possible.
Lois Weiner

The Only Explanation for Why the NRA Has Chosen Oliver North as its New President
The selection of North, a known war criminal, shows that the NRA is fully embracing its role as an extremist right-wing organization.
Branko Marcetic

We’re All Zucked
Tepid regulations aren’t enough to break Facebook’s hold on our personal data.
Jacob Silverman

Socialists and Progressives Just Trounced the Democratic Establishment
On Tuesday, insurgent challengers beat out their opponents in races across the country by running on bold left platforms.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Palestinians Are Forcing the World to See Their Humanity
The Gaza massacre is a war crime. And the United States is complicit alongside Israel.
Phyllis Bennis

Watch This Palestinian-American Woman Crush Every Media Trope About the Gaza Protests
Noura Erakat delivers a much-needed corrective to dehumanizing U.S. media spin.
Sarah Lazare

As Israel Kills Dozens, Gazans Continue to Protest. A Palestinian Woman Explains Why.
"This is a revolution of refugees," says Intimaa Alsdudi.
Alex Kane

A Democratic Spring: 12 Left Challengers Taking On the Party Establishment in 2018
The scattering of challenges to the Democratic establishment after Bernie Sanders’ run has become a tidal wave.
Theo Anderson

Congress Wants to Give Trump a Bipartisan Blank Check for Declaring War
Presidents have been declaring war by executive fiat. A new bill to replace the AUMF would rubber stamp it.
Danny Sjursen

Why This Iraq War Vet Is Speaking Out Against Trump’s Reckless Foreign Policy
To expand the anti-war movement, Maggie Martin is connecting struggles against U.S. militarism at home and abroad.
Tanner Howard

The Historic Korean Peace Declaration Was Made Possible By Social Movements, Not Trump
A conversation with peace activist Christine Ahn.
Sarah Lazare