Working In These Times

Why We Should Take Weight Discrimination Seriously As a Workers’ Rights Issue
Bryce Covert
Kavanaugh Is Terrible on Workers’ Rights—And That’s Anti-Woman, Too
Julianne Tveten
The Hidden Message of Amazon’s $15 Wage: ‘You Don’t Need a Union’
Andrew Schwartz
Hyatt Workers Win 4-Week Strike, Hours After Third Coast Audio Festival Refused to Cross Picket Line
Jeff Schuhrke
Jeff Bezos Is Very Afraid of Bernie Sanders. The $15 Wage Victory Is Proof.
Micah Uetricht
Soccer Players Are Workers Too. And In Guatemala, They Just Went On Strike.
Jeff Abbott
Today Amazon, Tomorrow the Railroad Industry: The Fight for $15 Rolls On
Jeff Schuhrke
Why Domestic Workers Are Fighting Like Hell to Stop Brett Kavanaugh
Hannah Steinkopf-Frank
The Case for Giving Every American a Share of a Public Wealth Fund
Jim Pugh
NAFTA Renegotiations Are No Cure-All, But They Might Slow the Bleeding
Dan DiMaggio
Want More Proof Teachers’ Strikes Work? Look to Washington State.
Barbara Madeloni
In Crosshairs of Right-to-Work, Kentucky Bourbon Makers Go On Strike
Michael Arria
Don’t Trust Jeff Bezos’ Preschool Philanthropy Scheme
Rachel M. Cohen
The Washington Post Tried to Penalize a Writer for Criticizing Jeff Bezos. He Fought Back—And Won.
David Dayen
#MeToo Hits Fast Food: Why McDonald’s Workers Are Out on a Historic Strike Today
Rachel Johnson
2,000 Striking York University Staff Forced Back To Work Without a Contract
Heather Gies
Here’s Why Thousands of Steelworkers Just Voted to Authorize a Strike
Sarah Lahm
Fast Food Restaurant Says Union Employees Can’t Wear “Abolish ICE” Buttons to Work
Michael Arria
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