Working In These Times

Why Ugandan Farmers Staged a Month-Long Occupation of a UN Office
Phil Wilmot
Why Labor Is Holding Its Applause for Michigan’s Latest “Workers’ Rights” Measures
Bryce Covert
Thousands of Chicago Workers Are Out On the First Citywide Hotel Strike In Over a Century
Jeff Schuhrke
The Prison Strike Is the Modern-Day American Slave Rebellion
Eli Day
To Stop the Next Financial Crisis, We Need Public Ownership of Banks—Now
Thomas M. Hanna
What Spurred a 98% Strike Vote by LA Teachers? Plutocrats Pushing Charter Schools
Bruce Vail
Why the Left Should Embrace Debt Forgiveness
Scott Remer
The Fight Against Racism Starts in the Union
April Sims
In a Historic Move, Los Angeles Educators Vote To Strike
Jane McAlevey
These Faculty Organizing Victories Show Labor Doesn’t Need the Courts On Its Side
Daniel Moattar
The Good and the (Potentially Very) Bad in Trump’s NAFTA Renegotiation
David Dayen
Low Wages And No Stability: How Amazon’s Use of Perma-Temps Is Hurting Workers
Max Parrott
As the School Year Begins, More Teachers Across the Country Could Soon Strike
Barbara Madeloni and Samantha Winslow
Southern Cities Are Passing Paid Sick Leave—But Republicans Won’t Let Them Have It
Bryce Covert
A Rundown of All the Ways Trump Is Overseeing an All Out, Under-the-Radar Attack on Workers
Steven Hill
How to Defend Workers Against Immigration Raids
Dan DiMaggio & Pioneer Valley Workers Center Staff
Meet the Militant Taxi Drivers Union That Just Defeated Uber and Lyft
Chris Brooks
Trump’s NLRB Is Back in Action After Its Ethics Scandal—And It’s Not Good for Workers
Bruce Vail
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