Working In These Times

Philadelphia Just Passed the Strongest Fair Scheduling Law in the Nation
Bryce Covert
The Troubling Link Between Attacks on Immigrants and Repression of Labor Activists
Harry Blain
George H.W. Bush Was an Enemy of the Working Class
Rachel Johnson
‘We’re One Union’: Why Chicago Teachers Are Out On the First Charter School Strike in the Country
Rebecca Burns
Robert Reich: Break Up Facebook (and, While We’re At It, Google, Apple and Amazon)
Robert Reich
How Graduate Unions Are Winning—and Scaring the Hell out of Bosses—in the Trump Era
Daniel Moattar
The First-Ever National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights Was Just Unveiled—And It’s a Game Changer
Rebecca Stoner
After Reports of Sweetheart Deal for Billionaire Pedophile, Calls Grow on Trump Labor Sec. to Resign
Jake Johnson
A New Economic Model for the South: Ditch Corporate Welfare and Fund Agricultural Co-ops
Valerie Vande Panne
Forget Elections—Labor Needs To Get Back to Its Roots
Tom Lewandowski
Bernie to Walmart: Pay Your Workers $15 an Hour, or Else
Michael Arria
When Janus Backfires: A Test Case In Labor Solidarity After Fair Share
Jeff Schuhrke
Why Every Democrat In Congress Should Support Bernie Sanders’ $15 Minimum Wage Bill
Marc Daalder
The Other Victims of California’s Fires: Workers Inhaling Toxic Fumes
Brooke Anderson
“Words Can’t Articulate the Joy”: Wisconsin Workers Celebrate Scott Walker’s Defeat
Kathy Wilkes
Voters Overwhelmingly Choose To Raise Wages in Two Red States
Michael Arria
How Labor Helped Bring Down Scott Walker and Bruce Rauner
Rachel M. Cohen
Meet the Janitors Taking On Big Pharma to Win a Livable Wage
George Fish
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