David Moberg, a former senior editor of In These Times, was on staff with the magazine from when it began publishing in 1976 until his passing in July 2022. Before joining In These Times, he completed his work for a Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of Chicago and worked for Newsweek. He received fellowships from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Nation Institute for research on the new global economy.
David Moberg worked with In These Times from its inception in 1976 until his death in 2022; During that time, he established himself as one of the country’s leading journalists covering the labor movement.
As a senior editor for In These Times, Moberg wrote about new battlefronts for labor, examined the past and present strategy of the labor movement and profiled many labor fights before they were covered in the mainstream media. Additionally, his areas of expertise encompassed globalization and trade, economic policy, national politics, urban affairs, the environment and energy.
Moberg was awarded numerous accolades for his journalism efforts, including the Max Steinbock Award from the International Labor Communications Association, (2003); Forbes MediaGuide 500: A review of the Nation’s Most Important Journalists (1993, 1994), and a Project Censored Award in 1995. He has also received fellowships from organizations such as The Nation Institute (1999-2001) and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (1995-1997).
Moberg also wrote for The Nation, The American Prospect, The Progressive, Salon, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun Times, the Chicago Tribune Magazine, the Chicago Reader, Chicago, The New Republic, Dissent, L.A. Weekly, World Policy Journal, Newsday, the Boston Globe, Utne Reader, Mother Jones, and others.
Moberg also contributed to a series of books including: Appeal to Reason: 25 Years of In These Times (Seven Stories, 2002); The Next Agenda (Westview Press, 2001); Which Direction for Organized Labor? (Wayne State University Press, 1999); Not Your Father’s Union Movement (WW Norton & Company Inc., 1998); Can We Put an End to Sweatshops? (Beacon Press, 2001); Making Work Pay: America After Welfare (WW Norton & Company Inc., 2002); The New Chicago (to be released); Encyclopedia of Chicago History (2004), and others.
In addition to his work at In These Times, Moberg taught sociology and anthropology at DePaul University, Roosevelt University, Loyola University, the Illinois Institute of Technology, and Northeastern Illinois University.

En Masse and Without Precedent, Walmart Workers Rise Up
David Moberg

California Walmart Store Workers Go Out on Historic Strike
David Moberg

Riot Police Called In To Arrest Peaceful Protesters Outside Walmart Warehouse
David Moberg

As One Wal-Mart Warehouse Strike Ends, Another Snowballs
David Moberg

‘Going Nuclear’ on Class
The Democrats’ working-class disconnect.
David Moberg
Labor’s Electoral Foot Soldiers Earn Right To Give Some Commands
David Moberg

Chicago Teachers Strike Ends, But ‘Multi-Year Revolution’ Begins
David Moberg

Strike Continues As Chicago Teachers Do Their Contract Homework
David Moberg

Negotiations Look Promising for Chicago Teachers; Strike Could End By Monday
David Moberg

Day 5: Chicago Teachers Still Striking as Negotiations Edge Forward (Updated)
David Moberg

Strong Local Support—And National Labor Allies—Lend Chicago Teachers Negotiating Clout
David Moberg

‘The Revolution Will Not Be Standardized’: Day Two of the CTU Strike
David Moberg

Chicago Teachers Strike for Fair Contract (But Really for Better Schools)
David Moberg

4 Reasons Chicago’s Teachers Are On Strike
David Moberg
Despite Optimism, Chicago Teachers Ready to Strike
David Moberg

Which Way Will The Pendulum Swing? Chicago Teachers Give Notice of Strike
David Moberg

‘Outsourced’ Workers Chase Elusive ‘Romney Hood’
After Bain moved their jobs to China, three auto-parts workers are knocking on Romney's door
David Moberg

U.S. Tax Code Encourages Excess CEO Pay
David Moberg

How To Succeed in Business Without Adding Value
Private equity firms claim they help create jobs and improve businesses, but that is not the whole truth
David Moberg

‘We Want To Elect Champions’
An interview with SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Eliseo Medina, the highest-ranking Latino in the labor movement
David Moberg

The Bain Legacy
Will Mitt Romney’s job-destroying past be our future?
David Moberg

3 Years Without a Raise: Campaign for Higher Minimum Pay Launches
David Moberg

Wrong Union For the Job
SEIU wants to lead a campaign against the 1%. Critics wonder if it can.
David Moberg

Unhappy 50th Birthday, Walmart!
David Moberg

Life During Rahm Time
Is Emanuel's Chicago the future of Democratic urban politics?
David Moberg

Hotel Union Sticks With Longest Ongoing U.S. Strike
David Moberg

What Labor’s Loss in Wisconsin Does—and Doesn’t—Mean
David Moberg

Union-Busting Is As Easy As ABC (the Associated Builders and Contractors)
David Moberg
Right-Wing Obstruction, Weak Policies Slow Job Recovery
David Moberg
No Pressure Drop: After NATO Summit, Chicago Labor, Community Groups Protest Rahm and CME
David Moberg
Nurses Lead NATO Protest for ‘Robin Hood Tax’
David Moberg

The GOP’s Dead-End Path to Prosperity
President Barack Obama should expose Mitt Romney's 'marvelous' budget baggage.
David Moberg

Chicago Teachers Weigh Strike Option Over Employer Demands
David Moberg

Who Needs the White Working Class?
Democratic campaign strategists debate which voters are worth wooing.
David Moberg

Harvard Students, HEI Hotel Workers Score Mutual Victory
David Moberg
Disappointing—That’s the Word for Jobs Report, Prospects for Full Recovery
David Moberg

Rx for U.S. Health (and Healthcare): A Politics of Solidarity and Equality
David Moberg
Labor Joins Losing Fight Against Bogus, Dangerous ‘JOBS Act’
David Moberg
Labor Sees Election Choice: Renew Economy or Dig Deeper Ditch
David Moberg

The $6.6 Trillion Retirement Problem: Unions Push Boost to Social Security Benefits
David Moberg

Unions Launch Fight Against Voter Suppression, for Stronger Democracy
David Moberg

AFL-CIO Endorses Obama, Puts Money on National Worker ‘Conversation’
David Moberg

Piven: Labor Revival Needs Push From Outside and Below
David Moberg

Richard Trumka’s Declaration of Independence
The AFL-CIO president says the labor federation is building a progressive movement beyond any party or candidate.
David Moberg

A Victory for American Airline Workers, but Pension-Free Future Still Looks Bleak for Most
David Moberg

Chicago Airport Workers Seek Fairness, Unionization
David Moberg
Hotel Workers Challenge Morality of Hyatt Owners: The Billionaire Pritzkers
David Moberg
Occupy to ‘Shut Down’ Corporations and ALEC—With Nods to Labor Struggles
David Moberg