David Moberg, a former senior editor of In These Times, was on staff with the magazine from when it began publishing in 1976 until his passing in July 2022. Before joining In These Times, he completed his work for a Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of Chicago and worked for Newsweek. He received fellowships from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Nation Institute for research on the new global economy.
David Moberg worked with In These Times from its inception in 1976 until his death in 2022; During that time, he established himself as one of the country’s leading journalists covering the labor movement.
As a senior editor for In These Times, Moberg wrote about new battlefronts for labor, examined the past and present strategy of the labor movement and profiled many labor fights before they were covered in the mainstream media. Additionally, his areas of expertise encompassed globalization and trade, economic policy, national politics, urban affairs, the environment and energy.
Moberg was awarded numerous accolades for his journalism efforts, including the Max Steinbock Award from the International Labor Communications Association, (2003); Forbes MediaGuide 500: A review of the Nation’s Most Important Journalists (1993, 1994), and a Project Censored Award in 1995. He has also received fellowships from organizations such as The Nation Institute (1999-2001) and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (1995-1997).
Moberg also wrote for The Nation, The American Prospect, The Progressive, Salon, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun Times, the Chicago Tribune Magazine, the Chicago Reader, Chicago, The New Republic, Dissent, L.A. Weekly, World Policy Journal, Newsday, the Boston Globe, Utne Reader, Mother Jones, and others.
Moberg also contributed to a series of books including: Appeal to Reason: 25 Years of In These Times (Seven Stories, 2002); The Next Agenda (Westview Press, 2001); Which Direction for Organized Labor? (Wayne State University Press, 1999); Not Your Father’s Union Movement (WW Norton & Company Inc., 1998); Can We Put an End to Sweatshops? (Beacon Press, 2001); Making Work Pay: America After Welfare (WW Norton & Company Inc., 2002); The New Chicago (to be released); Encyclopedia of Chicago History (2004), and others.
In addition to his work at In These Times, Moberg taught sociology and anthropology at DePaul University, Roosevelt University, Loyola University, the Illinois Institute of Technology, and Northeastern Illinois University.

Unions Work to Turn the Tide
Organized labor rolls out a response to nationwide assaults on workers’ rights.
David Moberg

Republicans Use Bully Tactics to Block Law Enforcement in Boeing Case
David Moberg
The Grim New Unemployment Report Underscores Country’s Massive Jobs Deficit
David Moberg

What Americans Want: The People’s Budget
The Congressional Progressive Caucus lays out a surprisingly popular vision of the future.
David Moberg
Trumka Hits Back at Right-Wing ‘Canvas of Cruelty’
David Moberg

125th Anniversary of Haymarket Affair Celebrates Origin of May Day
David Moberg
The Debate That Wasn’t
David Moberg
Resistance to Ohio Republican Attack on Worker Rights Underway
David Moberg
UAW Plans for Negotiations, Organizing, Rebuilding Power
David Moberg

Diet Hard: With a Vengeance
Less than three years after the last food crisis peaked, prices—along with hunger and malnutrition—are up again. Don't (only) blame nature.
David Moberg

Capitol Offensive
In Madison and beyond, unions and their allies fight for fundamental workers’ rights.
David Moberg

‘People Are Pissed Off’: An Interview With Leo Gerard
After attending protests in Madison, Wis., the United Steelworkers union president talks strategy.
David Moberg
‘Why We Fight’ and Fox Lies: Two Reasons To Get Fired Up
David Moberg

Weighing General Strike Option, Wisconsin Unions Map Fights on Many Fronts
David Moberg
A Century of International Women’s Days: Still Room For Improvement
David Moberg

No Surprises: Rahm Wins in Chicago
The suits remain firmly in control of the Windy City. What does Emanuel's victory mean for urban progressive politics?
David Moberg

Public ‘Green Jobs’ Investments Pay Off Now, Next Year, Long-term
David Moberg

Anti-Austerity Alliance Wins in Illinois
A 300-member coalition helps raise taxes to save essential services.
David Moberg
AFL-CIO Backs Egyptian Worker Protests, Says Obama Policies Not Clearly ‘On Their Side’
David Moberg

Teamsters Election Supervisor: Hoffa Campaign Offered Jobs to Challengers
David Moberg
Union Membership, and Power, Slip Further in Great Recession
David Moberg

Lead or Be Left Behind
President Obama and Congress have moved to the Right. Progressives need an offensive strategy before it's too late.
David Moberg

‘Obamacare’ and the Big GOP ‘Job-Killing’ Lies
David Moberg
NLRB Challenges State Amendments Weakening Worker Rights
David Moberg

Your Holiday Guide to Deficit Reduction
10 ways to pleasure your base while (maybe) saving some cash.
David Moberg
Worldwide Clamor for Workers’ Right to Organize
David Moberg
Unemployment Aid Helps More Than the Jobless
David Moberg

Creating Jobs, Trimming Deficits: Progressive Budget Plans Challenge Dems
David Moberg

Chicago’s Other Community Organizer
Rep. Jan Schakowsky wants to solve the deficit crisis without soaking the lower- and middle-class.
David Moberg
Republican No-Brainer: Stop Needed Federal Jobless Aid
David Moberg

Changing the Daley Routine
As a Chicago dynasty ends, progressives weigh their options.
David Moberg

Unions Push Jobs, ‘Green’ Bills for Lame Duck Congress
David Moberg
After Loss, Flight Attendants Challenge Delta’s Anti-Union Tactics, Both Old and New
David Moberg

Union Member Votes Save Democrats from Worse Disaster
David Moberg

Why Democrats Got Shellacked
And how they can emerge from the country's new political stalemate.
David Moberg

Wooing the White Working Class
It’s not too late for Democrats to win back these crucial swing voters.
David Moberg
Obama Admin To Investigate Chinese ‘Green Tech’ Trade Violations
David Moberg
AFL-CIO’s ‘Job Tracker’ Continues Electoral Season Attention to Corporate Offshori
David Moberg

SEIU Scores Victory, Faces Election Challenge, At Kaiser Hospitals
David Moberg

New SEIU Sec.-Treas. Eliseo Medina Sets Plans for Organizing, Immigration Reform
David Moberg

Midterm: Create Jobs, Contain Losses
Democrats need to embrace populism before it’s too late.
David Moberg

Kaiser’s Bitter Labor War
Upstart NUHW challenges SEIU in California hospitals—and the future of healthcare unionism.
David Moberg
Hotel Quickie Strikes Build Union, Workers’ Determination for Contract Battles
David Moberg
This Labor Day, Workers Face Weak Economy on All Fronts
David Moberg
Gearing Up for Elections, AFL-CIO President Trumka Calls For ‘Economic Patriotism’
David Moberg

Challenger Union Claims Kaiser Hospital Management Illegally Aids SEIU
David Moberg

Can Our Schools Run on Duncan?
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan pushes Chicago's ineffective reforms on America's children.
David Moberg
Obama, Workers Agree: GM and Chrysler Bailout Helps Ford—And the Economy
David Moberg