Why Compton Students Are Suing Their Schools
Nine in 10 6th grade students in the area have witnessed or experienced a violent crime. Is trauma counseling part of their right to an equal education?
Ethan Corey
These Students Are Leading a Movement for Free College in the United States
At last, real organizing for tuition-free college is taking off in America.
Rebecca Nathanson
Free Speech In an Age of Campus Protest
How the media can work for, and against, the wave of anti-racist actions by students
Jill Hopke
How One City Is Making Sure Bosses Comply With Wage Theft and Paid Sick Leave Laws
Seattle's labor regulators are now under one roof.
Jake Blumgart
Fewer Police, Safer Communities?
The tension between safety from police and safety from crime
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
A Bill of Rights That Puts Workers Above Corporations
It's up to the voters of Spokane, Washington.
Simon Davis-Cohen
These Activists Are Trying To Solve the Housing Crisis—By Suing the Suburbs
Bay Area activists take a suburb to court, saying it refused to allow high-density housing
s.e. smith
Asylum Seekers Face Kafkaesque Ordeal at U.S.-Mexico Border
Migrants have to choose between keeping their families together and finding safety.
John Washington
From Hashtag to Strategy: The Growing Pains of Black Lives Matter
Movement activists discuss strategy and tactics in #BlackLivesMatter.
Bill Fletcher, Jr.
After a 24-Year Gap, Chicago’s South Side Gets a Trauma Center
The result of years of organizing, the center fills a need in a badly underserved area
Zac Weber
The City of Detroit Withheld Water From 40,000 People–So Activists Tapped the Mayor’s Mansion
The action was a bid to draw attention to what the UN has called a violation of human rights
Lauren Gaynor
The Bernie Debate: Would Sanders Advance Feminism and Racial Justice Better Than Clinton?
Feminists debate symbolism, socialism and racial politics in the presidential race
Kathleen Geier
How One Group of Moms Is Keeping the Peace on One of Chicago’s Most Violent Street Corners
The group wants to make one thing clear: Young black men are not the enemy.
Lillian Osborne and Jessica Stites
Apple Doesn’t Want You To Be Able To Fix Your iPhone—Here’s Why
The cure for planned Apple-escence
Kendra Pierre-Louis
The Brooklyn Tenant Union That’s Fighting Gentrification Through Collective Bargaining
For the past two years, the Crown Heights Tenant Union of Brooklyn has used collective bargaining strategies to win victories around rent control and tenant protection laws.
Ethan Corey
The Climate-Change Movement Is Winning the Argument—Now It Must Force the Government To Act
How can we turn up the heat on Washington.
Kate Aronoff
How Columbia Became the First University to Divest from Private Prisons
Thanks to relentless student pressure, more than a year of rallies, protests and sit-ins proved too much to ignore.
Dayton Martindale
Is Banning Tourists the Solution to Gentrification?
A 'tourist cap' might be in the works in Barcelona to fight rising costs of living and disorderly behavior.
Martin de Bourmont
How Black Lives Matter Has Spread Into a Global Movement to End Racist Policing
The next Baltimore could be somewhere in Europe.
Amien Essif
Civil Rights: The Next Generation
What happens in Baltimore isn’t going to stay in Baltimore
Martha Biondi
How Some Small Farmers Are Resisting Monsanto—And Climate Change
Seed sharers are resisting the death of biodiversity at the hands of industrial agriculture and GMOs.
Petra Page-Mann
A Privatized River Runs Through It
To win its eminent domain suit, Missoula must prove that it is the best manager of its drinking water.
Kate Whittle
Don’t Cry for Chicago, Progressives
Mayor 1% wasn’t the only winner in April.
Micah Uetricht
Yoopers Have Road Rage
Michiganders are up in arms about a proposed mining road
Kari Lydersen
We need to be united in the fight against fascism and repression.
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