
How San Francisco Student Activists Made College Free Again
City College of San Francisco will be the first in the nation to offer free tuition to all city residents.
s.e. smith
Indivisible: The Left Group Shaking Up Congress From the Grassroots
Coopting Tea Party tactics, former Democratic Congressional staffers provide the Trump resistance with a step-by-step lobbying guide.
Kate Aronoff
With Donald Trump as President, Americans Are Flocking to Socialism
Membership in the Democratic Socialists of America has surged since the election.
Kate Aronoff
State of Rebellion: How California Is Taking on the Trump Administration
On immigration and other issues, the state's legislature has signaled it does not intend to cooperate with the new president.
Hannah Guzik
How Colleges and Universities Are Defying Trump
The student campaign to make schools into sanctuaries for undocumented immigrants.
Kate Aronoff
The Fight For Free College Moves to the States
How student organizers and a state representative are campaigning to eliminate tuition in Illinois.
Jeff Schuhrke
Why Fair Scheduling Could Be Labor’s Next Big Fight
A series of citywide ordinances are taking aim at erratic and unpredictable scheduling.
Jonathan Timm
Meet the Baltimore Activists Trying to Stop the Next Oil Train Explosion
Baltimore residents campaign against the rail transport of highly flammable crude oil through residential neighborhoods.
Bruce Vail
August Was a Huge Month for Berniecrats
Bernie Sanders' presidential bid is over—but as his campaign army deploys down-ballot, more and more progressive challengers are claiming victory.
Alex Ding
Missouri Has Only One Remaining Abortion Provider. Planned Parenthood is Fighting To Change That.
After the courts overturned a restrictive abortion law in Texas, pro-choice activists are hoping to defeat similar legislation in Missouri and elsewhere.
Victoria Albert
Killings By Police Haven’t Stopped Mexico’s Movement Against Neoliberal Education Reform
Despite police repression, Mexico's militant teachers union continues to strike and protest.
Andalusia Knoll Soloff
Andrew Cuomo’s Blacklist for Critics of Israel
Activists take aim at the lawmakers trying to silence BDS.
Alex Kane
When Prisons Are Toxic to Both Humanity and the Environment
Activists are taking aim at mass incarceration, environmental pollution and the toxic prisons where the two problems meet.
John Washington
Making Green Jobs Good Jobs
Unions organize the clean energy sector.
Kate Aronoff
These Online Platforms Make Direct Democracy Possible
New platforms are bringing power to the people.
Tom Ladendorf
The Fight for Public Control of Land in the Bronx
Residents' last-ditch attempt to keep out a polluting trucking hub.
Raven Rakia
Is Bernie Sanders Right That It’s Time to Phase Out Nuclear Energy?
30 years after Chernobyl, some say we need nuclear power to stop climate change.
Will Boisvert and Jim Riccio
The Real Heroes of the Flint Water Crisis
Flint residents refuse to be silenced
Victoria Goff
How an Ex-Felon Voting Bloc Could Shape Baltimore’s Election
44,000 newly eligible voters can make a real difference
Katie Rose Quandt
The Bernie Sanders Campaign Is Electrifying New York Politics. Will It Be Enough to Win the Primary?
Inspired by Sanders, independent groups like "Team Bernie NYC" and "Harlem for Bernie" have been hitting the streets to engage voters
Ethan Corey
Thanks to #BlackLivesMatter, Prosecutors Who Bungle Police Shooting Cases Face Tough Election Fights
While recognizing the limits of electoral politics, the movement has ousted two prosecutors--Anita Alvarez and Tim McGinty--and has more in its sights
Jennifer Ball
Understanding What Makes Donald Trump Voters Tick: Is It Just Racism?
In Trump's appeal, the Left seeks clues on winning back the white working-class.
Ian Haney López and Matt Morrison
These New Co-op Apps Show How to Build Worker Power In the Age of Uber
In the apps of the "platform cooperativism" movement, workers share in the profits
Tom Ladendorf
Hillary Clinton Suggested Breaking Up the Big Banks Won’t End Racism and Sexism. Is She Right?
Clinton's remark prompted a furious debate. Is there any truth to it—and why did she say it? Moe Tkacik and Amanda Marcotte debate.
Amanda Marcotte and Moe Tkacik
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