
Interviews for Resistance: “It Is Just Open Season Now” on Undocumented Immigrants
A longtime organizer talks about the brutal intersection of being black and undocumented.
Sarah Jaffe
Big Greens Are Mad at Bernie For All the Wrong Reasons
Sanders’ low ranking by the League of Conservation Voters speaks to a deeper divide among greens.
Kate Aronoff
The Climate Movement Goes to War with Trump
But to save the planet, we need to remake the Democratic Party
Kate Aronoff
Cities Go Rogue Against Trump and the Radical Right
In a sea of red, blue enclaves test their power to rebel.
Theo Anderson
Attacks on Immigrants Are Attacks on Workers
A longtime labor and community organizer responds to the Trump's anti-immigrant measures.
Carlos Ballesteros
Scott Pruitt Is the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Manchurian Candidate
Soon-to-be-released emails may show just how deep the newly confirmed EPA administrator's ties go.
Kate Aronoff
Stop Telling Us To Be Terrified. We Should Be Pissed.
Fear makes us freeze. Anger makes us fight back.
Theo Anderson
Before Trump Was a Racist Commander-in-Chief, He Was a Racist Real Estate Executive
Newly released files from the FBI's investigation into Trump's company document pervasive discrimination against people of color.
Rachel Johnson
Trump’s Far-Right Israel Stance Creates an Opening for the Left
But congressional Democrats won't act without a push.
Stephen Zunes
The Mass Protests of the Anti-Trump Resistance Are Starting to Win. Here’s How.
From the airport protests to work stoppages, Americans are taking dramatic and disruptive actions that have scored real victories.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Meet the U.S. Nonprofit That Funds the Israeli Guards Who Terrorize Palestinians
Settlements in the West Bank are illegal, but equipping their guards is tax-deductible.
Alex Kane
Mike Pence, Betsy DeVos and the Klan’s Long Shadow
The extremism of their agenda contains the seeds of its undoing.
Theo Anderson
The “Identity Politics” Debate Is Splintering the Left. Here’s How We Can Move Past It.
We must redefine “identity politics,” because the debate about it is mostly wrong. We can start by recognizing that Clintonian identity politics aren't intersectional—they're racist.
Thea N. Riofrancos and Daniel Denvir
Trump’s Israel Envoy Pick Funds West Bank Settlements. Here’s Why That’s a Problem
A U.S. network of pro-settlement non-profits aids in the displacement of Palestinians.
Alex Kane
Interviews for Resistance: On Putting Your Body on the Line to Stop Deportations
An organizer arrested for trying to stop a deportation talks about what's needed to prevent more families from being split up.
Sarah Jaffe
PHOTOS: This Is What Resistance Looks Like
From pussy hats to airports, images of protest in the age of Trump.
Rachel K. Dooley
Letter from Alleged 9/11 Mastermind Shows Our Own Foreign Policy Makes America Unsafe
A recently released letter from Khalid Shaikh Mohammad shines a disturbing light on what's behind many terror attacks.
Branko Marcetic
Bernie Sanders Schools Ted Cruz on Why We Need “Medicare for All”
CNN's Obamacare debate opened up fundamental questions that Republicans would rather avoid--like how to make healthcare access universal.
Theo Anderson
Interviews for Resistance: “Standing Rock is Everywhere Right Now”
The director of the Native Organizers Alliance on why we must do more than mobilize.
Sarah Jaffe
From the Cold War to Clinton: How Liberals and Conservatives Have Separated Race From Class
It's up to the Left to revive the interracial working-class movement of the post-War era.
Rachel Johnson
How the Left’s Long March Back Will Begin in the States
Progressives’ answer to ALEC is helping to build power from the ground up.
Theo Anderson
70 Arrested as Students at Ohio University Take a Stand by Sitting Down
As Trump’s frightful campaign promises become law, students at Ohio University demand their school become a “sanctuary campus.”
Carlos Ballesteros
Trump’s Executive Orders on “Border Security” Are as Bad as We Expected
The president wasted no time to start targeting immigrants.
John Washington
Robert Reich: Why Putting Steve Bannon on the National Security Council Is So Terrifying
The dangers of "America First."
Robert Reich
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