September 2017 Volume 41, Issue 09

Linda Sarsour: “I Want American Muslims To Be Unapologetic About Who We Are”
The Women's March organizer on growing Islamophobia and the state of the resistance
Kamil Ahsan
Native Art Beyond “Ponies in a Sunset”
An interview with artist Luzene Hill.
Micco Caporale
Democratic Socialism in 5 Minutes or Less
From Rosa Luxemburg to Bernie Sanders, a beginner’s guide.
Dayton Martindale
We’ll Beat the Fascists With Ideas, Not Fists
As bad as the far Right is, shutting them down is poor strategy.
Nathan Robinson
Don’t Give Fascism an Inch
To defeat white supremacy, we must confront it directly.
Natasha Lennard
Why I Helped Shut the “Alt-Right” Down
While different situations call for different tactics, sometimes the only option is denying a platform.
Mukund Rathi
Campouts, Not Shootouts: Chicago Youth Take Back Their Streets
We talked to the teenagers occupying Chicago street corners.
Carlos Ballesteros
Sword-and-Sorcery Into Plowshares: Game of Thrones’ Anti-War Message
The hit HBO drama makes a carefully constructed argument for the futility of war.
Sean T. Collins
Judginess Built the Middle Class
A new book explores the 19th-century origins of middle-class respectability—and the misfits kept out of the club.
Margaret Garb
Heart of Whiteness: The Stories Western Philanthropists Tell Themselves
Why do Western efforts to help the environment and Africa so often fail?
Laura Orlando
Introducing the New In These Times
A new magazine for new times.
Joel Bleifuss
The Link Between Trump’s Attacks on Immigrants and Deaths in the Desert
Trump's policies reduce people first to “illegals,” then to deportation statistics, and, finally, to a scattering of bones in an arroyo.
John Washington
Disabled and Disobedient: How ADAPT Activists Blocked the GOP Healthcare Bill
This wasn't their first day at the rodeo.
s.e. smith

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