October 2017 Volume 41, Issue 10

October 2017
The U.S. Is Bombing at Least Six Countries. How Can the Anti-War Movement Step Up?
Phyllis Bennis, Vijay Prashad and Ali Issa
White Supremacist Violence Is All Too American
Robert Greene II
Not My First Democratic Socialist Convention
Joel Bleifuss
When Green Jobs Come at the Expense of Unions
Yana Kunichoff
In 2028 Olympics, L.A. Residents See a Police State on Steroids
Leighton Woodhouse
Socialism, Coming to a State Fair Near You
Rebecca Burns
The Art of Disobedience
Abby Lynn Klinkenberg
The Cradle-to-Grave Coalition
Jane Miller
Top Four Reads for the Red Centennial
In These Times Staff
Where Have All the Communes Gone?
Jessa Crispin
Single-Payer Healthcare In 5 Minutes Or Less
Dayton Martindale

The Art of Disobedience
From the Black Panthers to Ferguson, finding a U.S. history we can be proud of.
Abby Lynn Klinkenberg

The Cradle-to-Grave Coalition
On funerals and socialist revivals.
Jane Miller

Top Four Reads for the Red Centennial
Books about Bolsheviks.
In These Times Staff

When Green Jobs Come at the Expense of Unions
A declining Rust Belt town turned to wind power—and away from organized labor.
Yana Kunichoff

In 2028 Olympics, L.A. Residents See a Police State on Steroids
Community groups are torching the city’s Olympic plans.
Leighton Woodhouse

Heed the Lesson of 1932: Only Left Unity Can Defeat the Racist Right
We have our differences, but we also have the numbers.
Joel Bleifuss

Where Have All the Communes Gone?
Dusting off the dirty hippie.
Jessa Crispin

Socialism, Coming to a State Fair Near You
Give us funnel cake, but give us roses too.
Rebecca Burns

Single-Payer Healthcare In 5 Minutes Or Less
Everyone is getting behind this prescription for a better healthcare system. But what is it exactly?
Dayton Martindale

How a Small-Town Theater Project Became a Study in Post-Industrial Life
The new documentary Spettacolo captures a Tuscan village’s annual play.
Michael Atkinson

Meet Randall Woodfin, the Mayoral Challenger Bringing the Political Revolution to Birmingham
The 36-year-old city attorney is proposing debt-free community college and reinvestment in Black neighborhoods.
Katherine Webb-Hehn