Rural America

A Look at Persistent Poverty and the Rural-Urban Divide in North Carolina
Gene Nichol

A Record Number of Native Americans Are Running For Office in 2018
Graham Lee Brewer, High Country News

How Agrochemical Corporations Suppress Public Records and Prevent Transparency
Camille Fassett

Wild Mares: My Lesbian Back-to-the-Land Life
Dianna Hunter

By the Numbers: A Look at Consolidation in U.S. Agriculture
James M. MacDonald and Robert A. Hoppe

Poll: Farmers Overwhelmingly Oppose Bayer-Monsanto Merger, Call For Antitrust Division to Reject Bid
Patrick Davis

A Native Coalition is Fighting for a Better 2018 Farm Bill
Kim Baca

Monsanto’s Toxic Legacy: An Investigative Reporter Talks Glyphosate
Tracy Frisch

Smithsonian Symposium Explores Complicated History of Native American Slaveholders
Ryan P. Smith

What if Organic Standards Were Bioregional and Written by Real Organic Farmers?
John Ikerd

Hey Liberal, You’re Late, but Welcome to the Local-Control Party
Thomas Linzey

Why Progressives Need to Rethink the Rural-Urban Divide and Build a Coalition
Sarah van Gelder

With the USDA’s Blessing, CAFOs Are Driving Organic Dairy Farmers Out of Business
Jim Goodman

Standing Rock Felony Defendants Take Plea Deals, Still Face Years in Prison
Joseph Bullington

Trump on America’s Hungry: Let Them Eat “Harvest Boxes”
Matthew Gritter

A New Look at the Wartime History of Pesticides
Evaggelos Vallianatos

How Big Ag Is Borrowing Big Tobacco’s Playbook
John Ikerd

My County is Poor and Remote. Fracking Companies Think They Can Abuse It.
Alison Stine