The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

Homelessness and Austerity: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Budget cuts to housing and social welfare programs are exacerbating the homelessness crisis.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films
Rural America
News Flash: Wage Workers and Immigrants Didn’t Create Our “Corporate Kleptocracy”
Jim Hightower
Illinois Offers Devastating Preview of Trump-Style Cuts to ‘Meals on Wheels’
The state's budget crisis has eroded the food security of low-income seniors.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films
Interviews for Resistance: From Resistance to Revolution—It’s Time To Switch to Offense
An organizer talks about what it takes to move from a reactionary position to one where we fight for the power to govern.
Sarah Jaffe
To Impeach or Not To Impeach? That Is Not the Question.
The problems with the GOP are far greater than any one figurehead.
Marilyn Katz
Teachers Call Off Work in Philadelphia Contract Campaign
Samantha Winslow
How Budget Cuts Endanger At-Risk Youth
The budget standoff in Illinois is threatening the state's most vulnerable residents.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films
First Charter School Teacher Strike in U.S. History Narrowly Averted by Last-Minute Agreement
Jeff Schuhrke
Interviews for Resistance: Trump’s “Family Leave” Plan Is a Shell Game
Sarah Jaffe
The Entire Public Sector Is About to Be Put on Trial
The Right's assault on public-sector workers is an assault on the public sector itself.
Naomi Walker
The Historic Budget Crisis That’s Threatening the Future of Public Colleges and Universities
Illinois’ budget standoff poses an existential threat to public higher education in the state.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films
Rural America
How Chicken Farmers are Getting Clucked in a Supermarket Near You
Trumpcare 2.0 Is a Death Bill. It’s Time to Fight for the System We Want.
Meaghan LaSala
Meet the Workers Who Took Overnight Buses to Bring the Fight for 15 to McDonald’s Stockholders
Stephen Franklin
Don’t Mine What’s Ours
How a public-lands populism can fight Trump and the GOP.
Dayton Martindale
How the Threat of Apocalypse Justifies American Empire
A new book argues that in the military's hands, warnings of world's end become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Chris Lehmann
Puerto Rico’s Longest-Held Political Prisoner Just Walked Out of U.S. Prison
Oscar López Rivera was welcomed home by large crowds in the Chicago neighborhood where he once lived.
Martín Xavi Macías
Rural America
Four Academics from Texas Give Us the Lowdown on Energy Markets
The Conversation
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