
Under Obama Administration, Federal Prosecution of White-Collar Crime Hits 20-Year Low
Prosecutions have fallen 36 percent since the Clinton years despite calls from Democratic presidential candidates for more pressure on Wall Street
David Sirota
The Dyett Hunger Strikers’ Fight For Green Technology and a Better Bronzeville
The hunger strikers aren't just fighting to keep a school open—they're fighting to transform a gentrifying Chicago neighborhood for the better.
Kyle Serrette
Is The Donald the New Ronald?
Reagan's candidacy was a punchline until it wasn't.
Joel Bleifuss
Joe Biden’s Bankruptcy Bill Could Complicate His Presidential Run
Elizabeth Warren has called out the current Vice President in the past.
David Sirota
Why Bernie Sanders Will Win This Election—Even If He Doesn’t Win the White House
American voters are mad as hell, and the rise of Sanders shows that they're not going to take it anymore.
Theo Anderson
Gov. Walker Gets Off ‘Scot-Free’ For Alleged Campaign Finance Violations
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has halted an investigation into Walker's questionable campaign finance tactics.
Joel Bleifuss
Would Jesus Vote for Bernie Sanders?
With the decline of culture war issues and the rise of crises like climate change, Bernie might actually be able to win over young evangelicals.
Theo Anderson
Donald Trump Is the Most Honest Candidate in American Politics Today
Where other candidates appeal to a fictitious unity or pretense of moral integrity, he displays the power of inequality.
Jodi Dean
Bruce Rauner is Using a Manufactured Crisis to Bust Unions, Privatize Services and Destroy Pensions
The right-wing Illinois governor is slashing programs for the state and threatening bankruptcy for Chicago Public Schools instead of offering any revenue raising solutions.
Jennifer Ritter and Jacob Swenson-Lengyel
Gov. Scott Walker’s Economic Development Record in Wisconsin Has Been a Scandal-Wracked Failure
Walker's development record consists of giving taxpayer dollars to his friends—while Wisconsin's economy has remained in the toilet.
David Sirota
The Media’s Portrayal of the Iran Deal Implies U.S. Imperialism Is a Good Thing
U.S. media commentary on the accord portrays U.S. global military supremacy as natural and desirable.
Gregory Shupak
The Other 2016 Presidential Candidates Are Saying Things That Are Basically As Crazy As Donald Trump
Trump is not the only presidential hopeful willing to make utterly mind-boggling statements.
David Sirota
Slavoj Zizek: How Alexis Tsipras and Syriza Outmaneuvered Angela Merkel and the Eurocrats
The rebels in Greece are waging a patient guerrilla war against financial occupation.
Slavoj Žižek
Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “Between the World and Me” Forever Changes the Meaning of ‘The American Dream’
How to make Americans accept that their country was built and sustained on white supremacist plunder? Write like Ta-Nehisi Coates.
Salim Muwakkil
Taxing the Rich is the Only Real Solution to Illinois’ Budget Deficit
Corporate tax loopholes have been very effective at draining at least a billion dollars a year out of public funds and redirecting it into idle private profits.
Jamie Merchant
Israel’s Hostility Toward Iran Deal Is Not Really About a Nuclear Weapon
There is no place in Israeli geo-strategic thinking for a militarily and diplomatically powerful Iran—with or without the bomb.
Roy Isacowitz
Rep. Alan Grayson: The Euro Is a Burning House with No Exit
The superficial problem in Greece is the external debt. The deeper problem is the relinquishment of national sovereignty and the tools that are needed to raise domestic demand and bring about an economic recovery.
Rep. Alan Grayson
The NRA’s Bully Pulpit
America's most dangerous nonprofit has a stranglehold on public policy.
Susan J. Douglas
Our Neo-Confederacy
The flag may be wiped from state grounds and license plates, but its ideals live on in the GOP agenda
Salim Muwakkil
The Greek Crisis Shows the Fundamentally Undemocratic Nature of the Eurozone
To the Troika, the election of Syriza, the referendum vote and the basic principles of democracy are meaningless.
Alexandros Orphanides
After the Confederate Flags Come Down, Everything Named After Nathan Bedford Forrest Should Be Next
The Confederate general and KKK "grand wizard" belongs on the short list of the most vile white supremacists in American history. Yet parks and monuments in his name can be found throughout the South.
Peter Cole
The Political Genius of Bernie Sanders’ Socialism
Bernie's socialism isn’t a “charade.” It’s a provocation—and a brilliant one, at that.
Theo Anderson
Holier than Bernie
Which campaign matters more: Bernie Sanders's or Jill Stein's?
Joel Bleifuss
Now That Greece Has Defaulted, Tsipras and Syriza Can’t Blink: It’s Time To Push For a Grexit
If the Greek people don't vote “no” on their upcoming referendum, they face perpetual austerity and misery from unelected creditors.
Alexandros Orphanides
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