
Bernie Sanders’ Michigan Victory Just Proved That a Democratic Socialist Can Actually Win
With his upset win, Sanders showed the potential for his democratic socialist message to resonate across the country
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Bernie Sanders’ Stunning Upset Victory in Michigan Means This Race Is Far from Over
Nobody—especially the pollsters—saw this coming.
Marc Daalder
No We Can’t, Without a Revolution: Why Bernie Sanders Is More of a Realist Than Barack Obama
Without a political revolution, Sanders' agenda is sure to fail. And he knows it.
Darlena Cunha
The Truth About Donald Trump’s Populism
What Matt Taibbi's overlooking: All fascists achieve and cement power in remarkably similar ways.
Rick Perlstein
Hillary Clinton Won Super Tuesday, But Bernie Sanders Won the Future
The millennials have spoken, and they overwhelmingly chose Sanders' radical change over Clinton's incremental reform.
Joel Bleifuss
Bruce Rauner’s 1 Percent-Friendly Policies Are Making Things Worse for Illinois, Not Better
The near-billionaire governor keeps insisting his policies increase opportunities for Illinoisans. But the numbers tell a different story.
Marilyn Katz
Why Bill de Blasio’s Housing Plan Is Nowhere Near Affordable for Low- and Mid-Wage New Yorkers
Expanding New York City's housing supply is not enough to expand affordable housing.
Jonathan Westin
An Open Letter to Rep. John Lewis on My Grandmother and the Civil Rights Movement
The Civil Rights Movement was made up of people whose names never made it into the history books.
Douglas Williams
Bernie Sanders Was Right To Condemn Henry Kissinger. But Why Did He Praise Winston Churchill?
The former prime minister was, indeed, a "fan of regime change," among other things.
Branko Marcetic
The Negative Campaigning Dilemma for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton
When it comes to attacking one another or the Republicans, both Democratic candidates are in a bind.
Peter White
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders’ New Hampshire Wins Show that People Are Sick of the Establishment
It's not about growing extremism. It's about a frustration with the status quo.
Robert Reich
The More Bernie Sanders Wins, the More Establishment Liberals Will Tell You He Can’t Win
Some thoughts on Sanders' New Hampshire primary victory last night.
Corey Robin
Without Black Lives Matter, Would Flint’s Water Crisis Have Made Headlines?
The mainstream media learns what 'environmental racism' means.
Susan J. Douglas
Rewriting the Progressive Playbook
To counter the resurgent Right, Wisconsin progressives are thinking big
Joel Bleifuss
In the Wake of Flint’s Water Crisis, It’s Time for a Federal Emergency Manager for Michigan
Maybe we should take a page from Gov. Rick Snyder's own playbook and override his authority.
Louis Nayman
We Don’t Need To Break Up the Big Banks. We Need To Put Them Under Democratic Control.
The problem isn't that banks are "too big to fail"—it's that they're too important not to be under democratic control.
Jamie Merchant
There’s No Other Way To Spin It: Bernie Sanders Pulled Off a Huge Victory in Iowa
Who would have imagined, even a few months ago, that the Iowa caucus results would be so close?
Marc Daalder
The 5 Worst Excuses for Hillary Clinton’s Vote To Invade Iraq
Clinton supporters want Democratic voters to forgive their candidate's support for the most disastrous foreign policy decision in decades. They shouldn't.
Stephen Zunes
LGBTQ Protests Against Israel Are About Justice, Not Anti-Semitism
Israel uses a reductive version of “gay rights” to market itself with a positive, welcoming image—despite its egregious human rights abuses against Palestinians.
Jimmy Pasch
Joan Walsh to Young Bernie Sanders Supporters: Get Off My Lawn
Walsh's anger sounds like a diatribe against a rude, “barely shaving,” teen for not properly respecting his elder.
Matt Bruenig
Paul Krugman Is Wrong About Bernie Sanders—and About How Social Change Works
Bernie isn't some kind of wild-eyed radical. He's actually the most pragmatic candidate in the race.
Gabriel Hetland
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy: The Man Who Drowned Democracy in ‘Citizens United’
What a legacy.
Joe Conason
The Bizarre Experience of Agreeing with Trump
It's no coincidence that Trump, the candidate least in need of money or media attention, is the most outspoken against war.
Leonard C. Goodman
How Donald Trump Hopes to John Wayne His Way Into the White House
Why the American Hero trope is so dangerous
Susan J. Douglas
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