
Any Dem Who Wants to Be President Should Reject War with Iran, Not Hide Behind Process Criticisms
Here's where 2020 Democratic hopefuls stand.
Julianne Tveten
Could Regional Reparations Help the Democrats Retake the Rust Belt?
States such as Ohio and Michigan have been hit with blight and economic downturn. Offering reparations to those hardest hit could be the key to winning in 2020.
Leon Fink
Yes, A Woman Can Beat Trump
Democrats have learned all the wrong lessons from the 2016 election.
Kathleen Geier
Bernie Sanders Has Laid Out the Stakes of the 2020 Election: Democratic Socialism or Barbarism
In a widely touted speech, Sanders explained why an unapologetic democratic socialist vision is the only antidote to the oligarchy and authoritarianism embodied by President Trump.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Sick of Hearing About Electability? It Will Take Organizing To Expand Our Political Imagination.
To overcome the insistent messaging of the corporate media and Democratic establishment, we need grassroots people power.
Malaika Jabali
“Electability” Is Astrology for Pundits
Expert predictions often represent little more than calcified prejudice.
Jonathan Cohn
Trump Lets Raytheon Share Sensitive Bomb-Making Tech with Saudi Arabia
The president is defying Congress, which wants to shut off a flow of U.S. weapons that have been used to kill thousands of Yemenis.
Jake Johnson, Common Dreams
Hold the Applause. Biden’s Climate Plan Is Mostly Fluff.
Biden avoids taking on the fossil fuel industry by relying on vague promises and unproven technologies.
Dayton Martindale
The DNC’s New Finance Chair Embodies Everything the Left Hates About the Democratic Establishment
It’s not just his past criticisms of Bernie Sanders: Chris Korge has a long history of undermining the party’s progressive wing.
Branko Marcetic
What Makes Illinois’ Marijuana Legalization Bill So Progressive
The legislation, expected to be signed into law by the governor, takes steps towards rectifying the harms of the drug war.
Ramenda Cyrus
Sanctions Are Economic Warfare
Sanctions are a violent tool of U.S. control. And now this tool is in Trump's hands.
Gabe Levine-Drizin
Why We Should All Be Using the Framework of Reproductive Justice
Amid widespread attacks on bodily autonomy, an intersectional approach can help guide our response.
In These Times Editors
Donald Trump’s Path to Victory
This is how the GOP plans to re-elect Trump in 2020.
Joel Bleifuss
The Democratic Socialists of America Helped Elect Them. Now What?
DSA chapters across the country are navigating relationships with politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Emma Whitford
No One Should Ever Listen to Anything Rahm Emanuel Has to Say About Politics
Rahm Emanuel is now a pundit at the Atlantic. But no amount of rebranding can change the fact that his political career has been an abject failure.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Noam Chomsky: We Must Stop War with Iran Before It’s Too Late
The Trump administration is pursuing catastrophe to protect U.S. dominance.
Noam Chomsky
The Weapons Industry Lobbyist Advising Joe Biden
Stuart Eizenstat has worked as a powerful political advisor, as well as a corporate lobbyist for the oil and arms industries.
Naomi LaChance
When It Comes to U.S. Militarism, Elizabeth Warren Is No Progressive
There's one important issue on which Warren has not veered far from the Democratic establishment.
Sarah Lazare
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