
Trump’s Unilateral Strikes in Syria Must Be Categorically Opposed
When it comes to Syrian civilians, Trump's humanitarian rhetoric doesn't match his destructive actions.
Stephen Zunes
#WorkYourOssoff: Thousands of Georgia Volunteers Sign On To Flip a Red District Blue
Grassroots progressives are powering Jon Ossoff's campaign in the first contested congressional race of the Trump era.
Beth Maschinot
A Better Way To Fund Infrastructure
Trump's investor-friendly plan and other conventional approaches are likely to fail—it's time to try something new.
Thomas M. Hanna
A Planet of Trumps
From Duterte to Putin, what rightwing strongmen across the world can teach us about our own.
Alfred W. McCoy
Trump May Start Pushing a Carbon Tax. It’s a Trap.
A carbon tax at the expense of regulation is just what the fossil-fuel industry wants.
Kate Aronoff
Trump’s Immigration Raids May Be Targeting Sanctuary Cities
Organizers see a pattern in escalating ICE raids.
Sarah Lazare, AlterNet
Want to Stop Fascism? Start By Taming the Finance Sector.
Political economist Ann Pettifor on markets, Karl Polanyi and how to reverse the rise of the Right.
Kate Aronoff
View of the Swamp from Across the Pond
As the U.K. barrels toward Brexit, Trump provides Britain with another bizarre spectacle.
Jane Miller
How the New York Times’ Budget Coverage Keeps the Public in the Dark
Numbers without any context only serve to mislead the reader.
Dean Baker
Only a Free Press Can Get to the Bottom of the Trump-Russia Scandal
This week's hearing shows that further inquiry—from both Congress and media—is necessary.
Michael Winship
Trump and the GOP Want to Make It Even Easier for Police to Get Military Gear
Should police get rifles, riot gear and armored vehicles from the Pentagon? The nation's largest police union thinks so—and it has the ear of the Trump administration.
Seth Kershner
George W. Bush Was a Godawful President
The media's nostalgia for Bush is not only ill-informed—it's dangerous.
Branko Marcetic
Don’t Wait for Nuremberg: Congress Must Investigate the American Eichmanns
Troubling reports suggest border agents are going above and beyond to enforce Trump's will.
Chris Edelson
The End of American Democracy: 30 Seconds to Midnight
A professor at Yale University talks about what history can teach us.
Matthias Kolb
The Right-Wing Machine Behind the Curtain
The radical conservative Heritage Foundation has spent 40 years trying to gut the federal budget. Now Trump is proving to be the perfect tool.
Theo Anderson
Trump’s Budget Will Be a Disaster for the Climate—And Not Just in the Ways You Think
From increased military spending to tax cuts for the wealthy, everything about the new administration's economic agenda seems tailor-made to help the planet burn.
Kate Aronoff
How the Democratic Establishment Beat Back Keith Ellison’s DNC Bid
Despite the setback, progressives remain determined to democratize the party and empower the left wing.
Cole Stangler
Forget Building Our Own Tea Party. The Left Can Win So Much More.
We should set our sights beyond just primary challenges and reshaping the Democratic Party; this is an opportunity to build a movement that can challenge capital and corporate power.
Jacob Swenson-Lengyel
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