
Elon Musk Is Not the Hero Puerto Rico Needs
The island needs a revamped electric grid and fast, but privatization is not the answer.
Kate Aronoff
Puerto Rico Is a Symptom of America’s Rotting Democracy
We need to rebuild the island and our government.
Jessica Stites
If the Left Wants to Win Elections, It Should Heed the Lessons of This Progressive Third Party
Left groups engaging in electoral politics today can learn from the trials, errors and successes of the Working Families Party.
Sam Lewis and Luke Elliott-Negri
Want Proof that Corporate Money Influences Politicians? This New Study Has It.
It really is no coincidence that the members of Congress who receive the most money from Wall Street are also the most hands-off on regulating it.
Charles Austin
In 2028 Olympics, L.A. Residents See a Police State on Steroids
Community groups are torching the city’s Olympic plans.
Leighton Woodhouse
The Equifax Hacking Scandal Is a Reminder That Credit-Reporting Agencies Are Not Our Friends
The hacking of personal information reveals a much deeper problem at the heart of the credit-reporting industry.
Mark Dunbar
How Bad Politics and Bad Planning Make Hurricanes Even Worse
To prepare for the impacts of climate change, other cities must learn the lessons of Hurricane Harvey.
Ashley Dawson
Single-Payer Healthcare In 5 Minutes Or Less
Everyone is getting behind this prescription for a better healthcare system. But what is it exactly?
Dayton Martindale
Democratic Socialism in 5 Minutes or Less
From Rosa Luxemburg to Bernie Sanders, a beginner’s guide.
Dayton Martindale
With Afghanistan Surge, Donald Trump Just Took Ownership of the Forever War
Monday's announcement shows Trump will continue the same failed strategies of his predecessor.
Seelai Popal
Don’t Coddle Liberal Politicians Like Kamala Harris—History Shows They Should Be Pressured
While some media commentators want to shield Democrats from criticism, holding politicians’ feet to the fire is a longtime successful tradition on the U.S. Left.
Branko Marcetic
Diverse, Radical and Ready to Resist: Meet the First in the New Wave of Local Progressive Officials
At Local Progress's 150-person meet-up, left-leaning politicians from around the country share plans to build rebel cities.
Steve Early
The Link Between Trump’s Attacks on Immigrants and Deaths in the Desert
Trump's policies reduce people first to “illegals,” then to deportation statistics, and, finally, to a scattering of bones in an arroyo.
John Washington
Disabled and Disobedient: How ADAPT Activists Blocked the GOP Healthcare Bill
This wasn't their first day at the rodeo.
s.e. smith
The Great Midwestern Divide: Why Minnesota and Wisconsin’s Political Schism Matters
The governorships of conservative Scott Walker (R-Wis.) and progressive Mark Dayton (D-Minn.) have yielded dramatically different results.
Theo Anderson
The Hidden Costs of “National Security”: 10 Ways Your Tax Dollars Are Paying for War
In government terms, make no mistake about it, the Pentagon & Co. are the 1%.
William D. Hartung
At the Bullfrog, Those Left Behind by the Global Economy Find Relief—and a Place to Talk Trump
In a Jamestown, N.Y., hotel and bar, down-and-out former factory workers seek solidarity and camaraderie—often expressed in shared rants about immigrants or liberals.
Kari Lydersen
Is This What “Liberation” Looks Like? U.S. Airstrikes Have Devastated Mosul.
ISIS may be on its way out, but the Iraqi city has a long road ahead.
Phyllis Bennis
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