
New York Is on the Verge of Major Climate Action—But Centrist Democrats Stand in the Way
Lawmakers stalled as advocates pushed to get an ambitious climate bill through the state senate before the legislative session ended.
Kate Aronoff

Defeating the Senate’s Trumpcare Bill Is a Life-or-Death Fight
An organizer for Nevada’s Working Families Party discusses the efforts in her state to block the Senate healthcare bill and push for single-payer.
Sarah Jaffe

Ossoff’s Loss Is Further Proof: Democrats’ Path to Power Is Through Moving Left, Not Center
The results in Georgia show that the Trump resistance can show up to the polls, but centrism isn’t a strategy to win.
Theo Anderson

The Political Revolution Is Alive and Well in Nebraska
Climate campaigner and Democratic Party activist Jane Kleeb is lighting a fire on the prairie.
Joel Bleifuss

Naomi Klein: Why the Revolution Must Be Led By Ordinary People, Not Celebrities
When they go low, we rise up.
Sarah Jaffe

Even by Trump’s Own Standards, His Budget Is Terrible
Trickle-down tax cuts and slashes to social spending aren't the path to a competitive economy.
Susan J. Douglas

Can Progressives and Democrats Make This Thing Work?
Progressives debate corporate money in politics and the potential for change.
Theo Anderson

The UK Elections or: How the Democrats Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love Socialism
The Labour Party’s surprise showing is a teachable moment for those of us across the pond.
Kate Aronoff

Bernie Sanders Supporters Are Taking Over the Democratic Party Machine, One State at a Time
From California to Massachusetts, a grassroots revolt from the left is wresting control of the party away from the corporate establishment.
Theo Anderson

How Jeremy Corbyn Pulled Off One of the Biggest Upsets in Modern Political History
Labour’s shocking performance is proof that a strong left platform can win broad support.
Bhaskar Sunkara

Interviews for Resistance: A Sanders Campaign Vet on How to Connect with Disaffected Voters
Becky Bond talks about the importance of knocking on doors to bridge the gap between voters and campaigns.
Sarah Jaffe

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Just Won’t Die
New Zealand and other signatories are quietly reviving the neoliberal trade deal, confident the political winds in the U.S. will shift.
Branko Marcetic

Jeremy Corbyn and Labour May Just Upend British Politics from the Left
No matter the outcome, Corbyn has surprised his critics and built a stronger opposition.
Richard Seymour

The Most Radical Aspect of Jeremy Corbyn’s Program? Democratizing the Economy
A report from the Labour Party outlines plans to democratize models of ownership.
Michal Rozworski

10 Years Ago, Connecticut Got Big Money Out of Its Elections. Now Democrats Are Gutting the Program.
The landmark public financing system is under threat.
Adam Eichen

Sanders Backers Plant Left-Wing Flag in the Massachusetts Democratic Party
The state’s party just passed an incredibly progressive platform.
Theo Anderson

Wisconsin May Bring the Koch Brothers One State Closer To Rewriting the Constitution
Legislators are debating whether to call for a constitutional convention, a prize of corporate interest groups.
Kate Aronoff

Why “Pay for Success” Financing Could Cost Taxpayers More Than They Bargained For
Cash-strapped governments are increasingly turning to Wall Street to fund social services. Will the model be a Trojan horse for privatization?
Rachel M. Cohen