The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

Why the Weinstein Story Has Been So Huge
Until we confront rape culture as a whole, the #MeToo testimonies will continue.
Susan J. Douglas

The Left Needs To Confront Its Own Sexual Assault Problem
Our movements will never win as long as many of us are unsafe.
Alex Press

Sexual Violence Is a Workplace Crisis. The Solution Is Organizing.
Revolution doesn't sound like a whisper campaign.
Michelle Chen

Bernie-Backed Mayoral Challenger Vincent Fort on How He Wants to Transform Atlanta
In an exclusive interview, Fort explains that he is running for mayor to represent working-class Atlanta residents, not “millionaires and billionaires.”
Sam Elalouf

Rural America
Native American Women Target European Banks to Block Big Oil
Shannan Stoll

How Trailblazing Labor Organizer Dorothy Bolden Taught Me to Fight for My Fellow Domestic Workers
Jacquelyn Arnold

Rural America
Rural Drug Stats Say One Thing, Trump Says Another
Rural America In These Times

After 41 Years, The Teamsters Reform Movement Is Finally Building Power
Stephen Franklin

Why Are Socialists Always Talking About the Working Class?
A discussion about class in the 21st century.
In These Times Contributors

The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists That’s Fighting to Save the EPA
Eli Day

Ending Deadly Collusion Between U.S. and Israeli Police
A new campaign aims to denormalize human rights abuses as Netanyahu and Trump intensify their alliance.
Alex Kane

Smells Like Environmental Racism
That stench permeating Detroit? It’s other cities’ burning trash.
Valerie Vande Panne

What It Looks like When Union Members Stand with Black Lives Matter
Chauncey K. Robinson

Rural America
Herbicide Drift: EPA’s Weak Dicamba Regulations Ensure the Damage in 2018 Will be Widespread
Steve Smith

When the Government Orders You to Burn Your Crops
Colombian farmers are a casualty of the war on coca.
Kimberley Brown

It’s Still Their Party: What the DNC Purge Means for the Democrats’ Left Flank
By removing Ellison and Sanders backers from DNC leadership, the Democratic establishment is ruthlessly tightening its grip on the party. Progressives should take a lesson.
Branko Marcetic

Workers Say NAFTA’s Neoliberal Foundations Need to Be Dismantled from the Left—Not the Right
Jeff Schuhrke

Shackles Aren’t “Bracelets”: Why We Should Be Concerned About the Marketing of Punitive Technology
Electronic monitors are devices of unfreedom—not decoration.
James Kilgore