Julianne Tveten writes about technology, labor, and culture, among other topics. Her work has appeared in The Nation, Capital & Main, KPFK Pacifica Radio, and elsewhere.

At What Point Does Bloomberg’s Unprecedented Ad Spending Amount to Bribery of the Media?
Bloomberg has already spent $400 million on ads, making hardly a dent in his $60 billion fortune.
Julianne Tveten

Uber Is Offering Scab Rides to Help Break France’s General Strike
Julianne Tveten

When It Comes to Bereavement Leave, the U.S. Is Unspeakably Cruel
Julianne Tveten

Any Dem Who Wants to Be President Should Reject War with Iran, Not Hide Behind Process Criticisms
Here's where 2020 Democratic hopefuls stand.
Julianne Tveten

Your Favorite Podcast May Soon Be Union as Gimlet Media Becomes First in the Industry to Organize
Julianne Tveten

L.A. Teachers on What Was Won—And Which Battles Are Next
Julianne Tveten

Here’s Why LA Teachers Are Walking Out in a Historic Strike
Julianne Tveten

One Way to Defend Transgender People From Trump’s Attacks? Labor Unions.
Julianne Tveten

Kavanaugh Is Terrible on Workers’ Rights—And That’s Anti-Woman, Too
Julianne Tveten

The Tech Industry’s Push to Hire Autistic Workers Could Be a Recipe for Hyper-Exploitation
Julianne Tveten

The Zuckerberg Hearings Were a Show Trial, And Facebook’s Monopoly Remains Unthreatened
Despite public outrage, Congress is not taking meaningful steps to break the power of Facebook.
Julianne Tveten

First Silicon Valley Sold You Social Media. Now It’s Trying to Sell You the Antidote.
It turns out that selling solutions to problems created by the tech industry presents a tremendous business opportunity.
Julianne Tveten

Lipstick on a Gig: Why We Should Be Very Skeptical of Uber’s New “Portable Benefits” Scheme
Julianne Tveten

Tech Workers of the World, Unite!
Julianne Tveten

It’s Time to Nationalize the Internet
To counter the FCC's attack on net neutrality, we need to start treating the Internet like the public good it is.
Julianne Tveten

The Blue-Collar Hellscape of the Startup Industry
Julianne Tveten

Undocumented Communities Devastated By Calif. Wildfires Are Now Being Left Out of Federal Relief
Grassroots fundraising efforts aim to prevent undocumented immigrants from slipping through the cracks.
Julianne Tveten

How the “Fake News” Scare Is Marginalizing the Left
Unaccountable tech companies are defining the parameters of acceptable discourse.
Julianne Tveten

No, Silicon Valley Billionaires Are Not Racial Justice Warriors
Julianne Tveten

Silicon Valley’s Techno-Capitalists Have a Low-Wage Worker Revolt on Their Hands
Julianne Tveten

We Shouldn’t Trust Tech Industry Billionaires to Lead the Way on Immigrants’ Rights
Julianne Tveten