
Joe Biden Is Railing Against Hedge Fund Managers, But He Has a Long History of Courting Them
Biden may cast himself as the champion of working people, but he's seeking support from the same financial elite that he chides on the 2020 campaign trail.
Branko Marcetic
Honoring the Workers Killed on the Job
From wildfires to construction sites, a year in California workplace deaths.
Amy DePaul
Biden Says He’s the Workers’ Candidate, But He Has Worked To Cut Medicare and Social Security
The universal retirement programs are Biden’s go-to sacrificial lambs.
Branko Marcetic
How a New Generation of Socialists Can Win Power (While Avoiding the Mistakes of the Past)
In his new book The Socialist Manifesto, Bhaskar Sunkara lays out a compelling vision for how today's socialists can forge a political path to power in the 21st Century.
Kristen R. Ghodsee
What Will Our Climate-Ravaged World Look Like by 2049?
An author imagines how our lives will have changed in 30 years—and what we will have lost.
Meera Subramanian
Is Amazon Violating U.S. Antitrust Laws? This Law Student Thinks He Has Evidence.
Amazon's reports of low--or zero--profits have long raised suspicions that it's selling below cost to build a global monopoly.
David Dayen
These 2020 Candidates Are the Darlings of Wall Street. The Numbers Are Proof.
Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand are among the top beneficiaries of Wall Street money, despite their rhetoric about regulating the banking industry.
Branko Marcetic
How To Bury the Fossil Fuel Industry
We need to halt subsidies, enforce stricter regulations and bring fossil fuel corporations under public control.
Kate Aronoff
Making the Green New Deal Work for Workers
A true just transition means robust training, guaranteed jobs and pensions for fossil fuel industry workers.
Jeremy Brecher
The Green New Deal Must Have a Zero Waste Policy
Disrupting the extractivist logic of capitalism is crucial to addressing climate change.
Kali Akuno
How To Build the Zero-Carbon Economy
The Green New Deal sets an ambitious goal. Here’s how to get there.
Winona LaDuke
How Trade Agreements Stand in the Way of an International Green New Deal
To reduce emissions abroad, the U.S. must renegotiate its trade agreements.
Basav Sen
We Produce Too Much Food. The Green New Deal Can Stop This.
Overproduction spurs environmental degradation while the poor get left behind.
Eric Holt-Giménez
Electric Companies Won’t Go Green Unless the Public Takes Control
Private electric utilities are an obstacle to climate justice. Here’s how to build alternatives.
Johanna Bozuwa and Gar Alperovitz
U.S. Out of Everywhere
The case for an immediate withdrawal from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Azadeh Shahshahani
The Victims of the Trump-Netanyahu Special Relationship
The flurry of favors the president did for Netanyahu could constrain U.S. policy — and hurt people in the region — for years to come.
Phyllis Bennis
Fossil Fuel Companies Are Enlisting Police to Crack Down on Protesters
An analysis by In These Times found, in at least seven states, the oil industry has backed critical infrastructure bills that criminalize pipeline protests.
Sarah Lazare and Simon Davis-Cohen
Individuals Working for Wall Street, Private Equity and Big Pharma Love to Donate to Cory Booker
Booker has sworn off corporate PAC contributions, but his biggest donors work in fields whose interests run counter to progressive priorities.
Branko Marcetic
Filing Your Taxes Is Already Difficult. The House Just Passed a Bill That Keeps It That Way Forever.
The new bill could keep H&R Block and Intuit’s profits high—while keeping your taxes complicated to file.
Elizabeth Zach
The Media Must Face Up to Its Role in Inflaming a Frenzy Over Russiagate
By claiming Trump was colluding with Putin, media outlets distracted from the president’s overt crimes while escalating tensions with Russia. They should own up to their failures.
Branko Marcetic
Both Chicago Mayoral Candidates Claim to Be Progressive. Here’s a Close Look Into Their Records.
Lori Lightfoot and Toni Preckwinkle have each run under the “progressive” mantle. Yet their records—and conversations with movement organizers—tell a more complicated story.
Camille Erickson
Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Self-Serving Optimists Like Hans Rosling and Steven Pinker
There’s a reason Bill Gates loves Pinker and Rosling—their analyses obscure inequality.
Roland Paulsen
A Healthcare Industry Built on Premature Death
On the cruelty of private healthcare corporations.
Roqayah Chamseddine
As War on Yemen Hits the 4-Year Mark, Here’s a Brief History of U.S. Involvement
As the political tide in the United States finally turns against the war, we must not let its U.S. proponents whitewash their wrongdoing.
Shireen Al-Adeimi
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