
There’s a Clear Way for Congress to Rebuke Trump on Saudi Arabia: End U.S. Support for the Yemen War
The Senate has the chance to stop U.S. complicity in the war in Yemen, while pushing back against Trump's plans for escalated military confrontation throughout the region.
Kate Kizer

The Alternative to Traditional Banking You’ve Never Heard Of
What Westerners can learn from collective "money circles."
Valerie Vande Panne

The Key to Tammy Baldwin’s Landslide Re-Election? Exposing Her Opponent’s Shady Ties to ALEC
Targeted with $14 million in outside spending, the Wisconsin senator fought back by tagging her opponent as a servant of special interests.
Mary Bottari

The Illegitimacy of the Ruling Class
Americans are losing faith in governance by the elite.
Thea N. Riofrancos

Inside Geoengineers’ Risky Plan To Block Out the Sun
Some scientists say it’s necessary to save the climate. An indigenous-led opposition says it will only save the fossil fuel economy.
Kate Aronoff

The Left Is Already Winning the 2020 Presidential Race
For the first time in 40 years, bold progressive policies are setting the terms of the debate.
Theo Anderson

Baltimore Joins Global Movement, Becoming the First Major U.S. City to Ban Water Privatization
The global movement to stop privatization deals and expand public ownership just scored a huge victory in Baltimore, as residents voted overwhelmingly to ban putting their water in private hands.
Thomas M. Hanna

The HQ2 Scam: How Amazon Used a Bidding War to Scrape Cities’ Data
The news of the lucky winners—New York and Virginia—exposes the bad faith of Amazon’s much-hyped search.
David Dayen

Socialists in the House: A 100-Year History from Victor Berger to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
American socialists have a long and proud tradition in elected office. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib are the latest to carry the torch.
Maurice Isserman

Native Americans Scored Big Election Wins in Washington State and Beyond
On Tuesday, Puyallup tribe members celebrated a landmark police accountability initiative, as well as Native victories nationwide.
Stephanie Woodard

Why Chicagoans Just Fired a Judge For the First Time in 28 Years
Taking a cue from progressive lawyers and racial justice activists, Chicago voters ousted longtime judge Matthew Coghlan.
Rick Tulsky

8 Thinkers on the Left Explain What the Midterm Results Mean for Progressives
Nina Turner, Maria Svart, Rick Perlstein, Barbara Ransby, Bill Fletcher Jr., Ai-jen Poo, Larry Cohen and Keeanga-Yahmatta Taylor give their takeaways from Tuesday night.
In These Times Contributors

Any Democrat Who Takes Fossil Fuel Money Should Face a Primary Challenge in 2020
The fossil fuel industry's campaign contributions are a threat to democracy.
Kate Aronoff

A Message to J.B. Pritzker: We Are Going to Hold You to Your Progressive Promises
You ran for Illinois governor on a platform of raising taxes on the rich, investing in social programs and achieving racial equity. We expect to see these promises become a reality.
Amisha Patel

In Georgia, Brian Kemp Put on a Master Class in Voter Suppression
Secretary of State Brian Kemp's shameful voter suppression tactics led to 53,000 registrations being put on hold, 70% of whom were African Americans.
Jesse Mechanic

Democrats Won the House. To Keep Winning, They Need to Move Sharply Left.
Democratic operatives will use the midterm results to preach centrism, but the future of the party lies in its left flank.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

The Case for a Democratic Socialist Caucus In the U.S. Congress
To make sure newly elected socialists don’t end up looking like corporate Democrats, we need a democratic socialist caucus in Congress.
Bhaskar Sunkara

A New Koch Brothers-Funded Super PAC Tried to Capitalize on the Janus Decision Ahead of the Election
A right-wing political advocacy organization funded by the Koch brothers has endorsed eight GOP House incumbents in the hopes of keeping the House red and squashing unions' influence in Washington.
Eric Bradach

The Legacy of Foreclosure Fraud Could Help Decide Whether Ohio Turns Blue on Tuesday
Eight years ago, the Tea Party wave helped oust Democratic Attorney General Richard Cordray. Now he could take over the governor’s mansion.
David Dayen

Ron DeSantis Has Every Reason to Be Scared of the Dream Defenders—They Are Building Racial Justice
By linking his opponent Andrew Gillum to a group he claims has a “hateful and dangerous ideology,” Florida’s Republican gubernatorial candidate is again employing racist dog whistles—a longtime strategy of the Right.
Eli Day

Announcing: Bingo for a Blue Wave
Use this list of progressive ballot initiatives and candidates and play election night bingo with In These Times!
Amelia Diehl

How Ordinary Americans Can Welcome Migrants and Refugees With Open Arms
In 2015, ordinary Europeans welcomed refugees with open arms. Will we do the same with the caravan from Central America?
Khury Peterson-Smith

A New Crop of Candidates, Refusing Industry Money, Vows To Halt Fracking in Pennsylvania
15 candidates for state legislature have promised to stop fracking and the construction of pipelines, which are tearing up rural Pennsylvania.
Jen Deerinwater

Out of Our Silos: To Defeat Anti-Semitism, Jews Must Unite With Others Targeted by White Supremacy
Our struggles are bound up with the many communities facing violence and oppression during these dark times.
Hannah Sassaman