
In 2008, Democratic Socialists Endorsed Him. Now, a DSA Member Is Primarying Him.
Backed by Brand New Congress, Anthony Clark is challenging Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.), in a sign of how far left politics have moved.
Salim Muwakkil

Here’s Where the 2020 Candidates Stand on Labor
Democrats have a history of empty promises when it comes to bolstering unions and workers' rights. Who can be trusted in 2020?
Jeremy Gantz

We Can’t Stop the Horrors of Trump’s Immigration Crackdown Unless We Reckon With Obama’s Role
As Trump threatens sweeping raids, it's important to remember how we got here.
Roqayah Chamseddine

Ranked Choice Voting Is On a Roll: 6 States Have Opted In for the 2020 Democratic Primary
We can get rid of the "spoiler" effect and make our elections more democratic. In fact, it's already happening in states across the country.
David Daley

Julián Castro’s Troubling Record in San Antonio
While Castro may now boast of his progressive bona fides, his record shows a history of embracing austerity and neoliberal reforms.
Branko Marcetic

Biden and the Obama Admin Are Finally Getting the Reckoning They Deserve
From immigration to tax deals, Thursday night’s debate saw the troubling records of both Biden and the Obama administration put on trial. It’s long overdue.
Branko Marcetic

The Democratic Debates Showcased the Most Dangerous Form of Climate Denial
By failing to recognize the urgency of the crisis, most candidates are helping bury it.
Thea N. Riofrancos

Any Dem Who Wants to Be President Should Reject War with Iran, Not Hide Behind Process Criticisms
Here's where 2020 Democratic hopefuls stand.
Julianne Tveten

Could Regional Reparations Help the Democrats Retake the Rust Belt?
States such as Ohio and Michigan have been hit with blight and economic downturn. Offering reparations to those hardest hit could be the key to winning in 2020.
Leon Fink

Yes, A Woman Can Beat Trump
Democrats have learned all the wrong lessons from the 2016 election.
Kathleen Geier

Bernie Sanders Has Laid Out the Stakes of the 2020 Election: Democratic Socialism or Barbarism
In a widely touted speech, Sanders explained why an unapologetic democratic socialist vision is the only antidote to the oligarchy and authoritarianism embodied by President Trump.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Sick of Hearing About Electability? It Will Take Organizing To Expand Our Political Imagination.
To overcome the insistent messaging of the corporate media and Democratic establishment, we need grassroots people power.
Malaika Jabali

“Electability” Is Astrology for Pundits
Expert predictions often represent little more than calcified prejudice.
Jonathan Cohn

Trump Lets Raytheon Share Sensitive Bomb-Making Tech with Saudi Arabia
The president is defying Congress, which wants to shut off a flow of U.S. weapons that have been used to kill thousands of Yemenis.
Jake Johnson, Common Dreams

Hold the Applause. Biden’s Climate Plan Is Mostly Fluff.
Biden avoids taking on the fossil fuel industry by relying on vague promises and unproven technologies.
Dayton Martindale

The DNC’s New Finance Chair Embodies Everything the Left Hates About the Democratic Establishment
It’s not just his past criticisms of Bernie Sanders: Chris Korge has a long history of undermining the party’s progressive wing.
Branko Marcetic

What Makes Illinois’ Marijuana Legalization Bill So Progressive
The legislation, expected to be signed into law by the governor, takes steps towards rectifying the harms of the drug war.
Ramenda Cyrus

Sanctions Are Economic Warfare
Sanctions are a violent tool of U.S. control. And now this tool is in Trump's hands.
Gabe Levine-Drizin