
Democrats Can’t Win By Courting Conservative White Voters
It’s time to follow the lead of Black grassroots organizers.
James Thindwa
Establishment Democrats Lack the Will to Fight the GOP Tax Plan. It’s Time for an Alternative.
To fend off the Republicans' one-sided class war, we must break the corporate hold on the Democratic Party.
Joel Bleifuss
Trump Must Go
We can’t have an out-of-control president with a finger on the button.
Joel Bleifuss
Puerto Rico Is a Symptom of America’s Rotting Democracy
We need to rebuild the island and our government.
Jessica Stites
Heed the Lesson of 1932: Only Left Unity Can Defeat the Racist Right
We have our differences, but we also have the numbers.
Joel Bleifuss
We’ll Beat the Fascists With Ideas, Not Fists
As bad as the far Right is, shutting them down is poor strategy.
Nathan Robinson
Don’t Give Fascism an Inch
To defeat white supremacy, we must confront it directly.
Natasha Lennard
Why I Helped Shut the “Alt-Right” Down
While different situations call for different tactics, sometimes the only option is denying a platform.
Mukund Rathi
Why Toxic Masculinity Hurts Men as Well as Women
Feminists and progressives need to highlight toxic masculinity's poisonous effects on not just the marginalized, but men as well.
Susan J. Douglas
There’s Nothing Okay About Kevin Drum’s “Disgust” For the Homeless
The Mother Jones column is a case study in how liberals insulate themselves from the psychological and material effects of injustice.
Michael Metzger
We Are In the Midst of a Black Power Renaissance
Under Trump, we are seeing a return to collective Black consciousness.
Salim Muwakkil
We Have an Existential Imperative to Resist GOP Death Panels
The casualties of the war on health are real and imminent, not a hyperbolic exaggeration.
Joel Bleifuss
Centrism Is in a Death Spiral: Our Only Hope Is to Let It Perish
While some cling to the Clinton era of the 1990s, the future belongs to a socialism for the 21st century.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
The Senate GOP Healthcare Bill Is Lethal for the Poor and Elderly. The Answer Is Medicare-for-All.
The fight against the Senate's deadly healthcare bill must also include the demand for a single-payer system.
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan
Ossoff’s Loss Is Further Proof: Democrats’ Path to Power Is Through Moving Left, Not Center
The results in Georgia show that the Trump resistance can show up to the polls, but centrism isn’t a strategy to win.
Theo Anderson
If the European Left Doesn’t Step Up to Take on Capitalism, the Right Will Pounce
The left must respond to the economic crisis to defeat the right-wing lurch towards nationalism and racism.
Conn Hallinan
To Save the Revolution, Venzuelans Must Grapple With Chavismo’s Failures
A resurgent Right cannot be allowed to present itself as the only alternative.
Mike Gonzalez
Where’s the Alternative to Trump’s Austerity Budget? Look to Bernie Sanders’ Progressive Caucus.
The Congressional Progressive Caucus has proposed a radical People's Budget—but to pass it, we need to take over the Democratic Party.
Joel Bleifuss
Even by Trump’s Own Standards, His Budget Is Terrible
Trickle-down tax cuts and slashes to social spending aren't the path to a competitive economy.
Susan J. Douglas
How Jeremy Corbyn Pulled Off One of the Biggest Upsets in Modern Political History
Labour’s shocking performance is proof that a strong left platform can win broad support.
Bhaskar Sunkara
The Most Radical Aspect of Jeremy Corbyn’s Program? Democratizing the Economy
A report from the Labour Party outlines plans to democratize models of ownership.
Michal Rozworski
10 Years Ago, Connecticut Got Big Money Out of Its Elections. Now Democrats Are Gutting the Program.
The landmark public financing system is under threat.
Adam Eichen
Jeremy Corbyn’s Judgment Day
The June 8 election is critical for Labour's future.
Jane Miller
The Entire Public Sector Is About to Be Put on Trial
The Right's assault on public-sector workers is an assault on the public sector itself.
Naomi Walker
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