
Another War, Another Blitzerkrieg
It's time to question CNN's decades of enthusiastic war coverage.
Susan J. Douglas
French Voters Must Heed the Lessons of Donald Trump and Reject Marine Le Pen
The similarities between Trump and Le Pen are striking—but France still has a chance to avoid the mistake made in America.
Tom Ladendorf
Chokwe Antar Lumumba’s Election Marks a New Era for Jackson—And for the South
Jackson, Mississippi's likely new mayor puts his city in the vanguard of progressive politics nationwide.
Matthew Cunningham-Cook
Let’s Harness Fyre Festival Schadenfreude To Kick the 1 Percent Out of Power
The Left can channel collective joy at screw-ups by the wealthy into a bigger movement for wealth redistribution.
Kate Aronoff
Why the U.S. Is a Bigger Threat Than North Korea
Decades of military adventurism have done more to destabilize the world than any of the "rogue states" the U.S. targets.
Vijay Prashad, Alternet
This Could Be Reparations’ Best Chance Since 1865
Black activist groups across the political spectrum are uniting behind reparations.
Salim Muwakkil
Why the Corporate Media Loves a Bombing
From Syria to North Korea, the press is growing hungry for war.
Bill Berkowitz
Should Democratic Socialists Be Democrats?
Democratic Socialists of America members debate how—and to what extent—socialists should engage with electoral politics.
Chris Maisano and Jessie Mannisto
Single Payer in the Golden State
The fight for Medicare for all goes to California.
Joel Bleifuss
Chokwe Antar Lumumba Mounts a Political Revolution in Jackson, Mississippi
The upcoming mayoral race pits a radical future against the neoliberal status quo.
Matthew Cunningham-Cook
How Trump’s Arts and Research Cuts Hurt His Supporters
Trump's budget poses a particular threat to those who voted for him.
Susan J. Douglas
The Push for Single-Payer Healthcare Is On. Democrats Should Get on Board or Get Out of the Way.
Following the stunning collapse of Trumpcare, Bernie Sanders is leading the fight by progressives to win single-payer.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Trump vs. the Media: Who Will Win?
The media and Trump are in an all-out battle. Here’s what the mainstream press is doing well and what it needs to do better.
Susan J. Douglas
George W. Bush Was a Godawful President
The media's nostalgia for Bush is not only ill-informed—it's dangerous.
Branko Marcetic
Don’t Wait for Nuremberg: Congress Must Investigate the American Eichmanns
Troubling reports suggest border agents are going above and beyond to enforce Trump's will.
Chris Edelson
Forget Building Our Own Tea Party. The Left Can Win So Much More.
We should set our sights beyond just primary challenges and reshaping the Democratic Party; this is an opportunity to build a movement that can challenge capital and corporate power.
Jacob Swenson-Lengyel
Slavoj Zizek: We Must Rise from the Ashes of Liberal Democracy
Trump is a threat to global stability—only a new Left international can beat him.
Slavoj Žižek
If Nixon Could Tweet
The similarities between our current president and Tricky Dick don't bode well for the country—or for Trump.
Susan J. Douglas
It’s Not Enough to Fight Trump—Progressives Need a Vision for the Future
Either decorporatize the Democrats or create a viable third party.
Leonard C. Goodman
If the Democratic Party Won’t Take Risks, It’s Up to Us
Now is not the time to play it safe.
Christopher Hass
Is Russia a Red Herring?
A debate over whether the Left should focus on collusion between Trump and Russia.
Chris Edelson and Bhaskar Sunkara
The New York Times Missed Trump’s Biggest Lie
The corporate media is fact-checking our new Liar-in-Chief--but only to a point.
Jim Naureckas
Voting Doesn’t Have To Be Winner-Take-All
To get people engaged in politics, we need an electoral system based on proportional representation.
Joel Bleifuss
Elon Musk Endorses Rex Tillerson, Confirming That Elon Musk Is Terrible
He also reminds us why a revenue-neutral carbon tax is terrible.
Kate Aronoff
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