
The GOP’s Healthcare Plans Have Awakened the Wrath of a Powerful Constituency: Older Americans
Baby boomers won't take cuts to Medicare and Social Security without a fight.
Susan J. Douglas
Yes, Trump Is President. We Can’t Compromise in the Fight Against Criminalization.
We can't leave survivor-defendants, like Bresha Meadows and others, behind.
Alisa Bierria & Mariame Kaba, #SurvivedAndPunished
Does the Left Bear Any Blame for Donald Trump?
The role of progressives in the 2016 election.
James Thindwa and Kathleen Geier
Diane Ravitch: Trump’s Nominee for Secretary of Education Could Gut Public Ed
Billionaire Betsy DeVos will be great for private, religious and charter schools—and bad news for students and teachers.
Diane Ravitch
To Protect Abortion Rights, Progressives Need to Think Big
The fight for reproductive justice is about to get harder, and now is no time for complacency.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Why We Need a New Left Internationalism
Neither neoliberal globalization nor populist isolationism offers a workable path forward.
Leon Fink
“Identity Politics” Takes a Hit
After the election, many on the Black Left are once again grappling with the "race vs. class" debate.
Salim Muwakkil
A Deal with the Orange Devil? Progressives Debate Whether to Seek Common Ground With Trump
The president-elect says he wants a jobs-creating infrastructure bill—should Democrats help make it happen?
John Feffer and Max Sawicky
Donald Trump’s Plans Are Incredibly Unpopular
The president-elect is missing a mandate in more ways than one.
Susan J. Douglas
Democratic Elites Are Uneasy With Keith Ellison. That Is Exactly Why He Should Be Head of the DNC.
The Democratic Party must be rebuilt—from the bottom up.
Joel Bleifuss
Tom Geoghegan: 4 Things We the People Can Do About Our Unjust Voting System and a President Trump
A case for a house divided.
Thomas Geoghegan
How To Vote When There’s No Lesser Evil
On foreign policy, both candidates are bad, but Clinton may be worse. We can't keep supporting militarism out of fear.
Leonard C. Goodman
The Left Deserves Better Than Jill Stein
Stein’s Green Party run doesn’t offer a plan to win, or to build power. The Left is capable of so much more.
Kate Aronoff
Voting For Hillary is a Privilege—One Not Shared By the People She’ll Bomb
Yes, vote for her. But then prepare to fight her hawkish policies every step of the way.
Marc Daalder
3 Reasons to Vote for Hillary Clinton That Have Nothing To Do with Hillary Clinton
We can't ignore the ways that having a Democrat in the White House matters.
Thomas Geoghegan
How a Trump Presidency Would Unleash Racist Violence—And Devastate the Left
The Left should take the Trump threat very seriously.
Arun Gupta
More Than a Protest: Why Voting Green Counts
Jill Stein's campaign manager makes the case for a Green political revolution.
David Cobb
Should Silicon Valley Really Be Allowed To Decide What Is and Isn’t Hate Speech?
The internet is a bastion of free speech—but that's not always a good thing.
Susan J. Douglas
Tilting at Windmills
Wind and solar energy may be our best bet against fossil fuels. Can that justify their grave cost to wildlife?
Michael Hutchins and Rebecca Leber
On the Clinton Foundation, Why Are Journalists Telling Us to Look the Other Way?
Hillary Clinton’s media sycophants appear to have forgotten how political corruption works.
Joel Bleifuss
Hillary: Here’s a Stake, Find Neoliberalism’s Heart
We need Clinton to take up Bernie Sanders' progressive charge and end the long reign of market fundamentalism.
Susan J. Douglas
The Black Political Establishment Should Never Have Given Hillary Clinton a Blank Check
The Sanders campaign was an opportunity to put pressure on Clinton, but instead the neoliberal Black elite backed her unconditionally.
James Thindwa
An Inside-Outside Strategy For the Political Revolution
Raucous protests and down-ballot Democrats can beat the Bernie-or-bust blues.
Joel Bleifuss
‘Marketplace Feminism’ and the Commodification of Empowerment
Andi Zeisler's new book We Were Feminists Once: From Riot Grrrl to CoverGirl®, the Buying and Selling of a Political Movement takes on corporate exploitation of the feminist movement.
Susan J. Douglas
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