
The Cradle-to-Grave Coalition
On funerals and socialist revivals.
Jane Miller
Top Four Reads for the Red Centennial
Books about Bolsheviks.
In These Times Staff
Where Have All the Communes Gone?
Dusting off the dirty hippie.
Jessa Crispin
Single-Payer Healthcare In 5 Minutes Or Less
Everyone is getting behind this prescription for a better healthcare system. But what is it exactly?
Dayton Martindale
How a Small-Town Theater Project Became a Study in Post-Industrial Life
The new documentary Spettacolo captures a Tuscan village’s annual play.
Michael Atkinson
Native Art Beyond “Ponies in a Sunset”
An interview with artist Luzene Hill.
Micco Caporale
Democratic Socialism in 5 Minutes or Less
From Rosa Luxemburg to Bernie Sanders, a beginner’s guide.
Dayton Martindale
Sword-and-Sorcery Into Plowshares: Game of Thrones’ Anti-War Message
The hit HBO drama makes a carefully constructed argument for the futility of war.
Sean T. Collins
Judginess Built the Middle Class
A new book explores the 19th-century origins of middle-class respectability—and the misfits kept out of the club.
Margaret Garb
Heart of Whiteness: The Stories Western Philanthropists Tell Themselves
Why do Western efforts to help the environment and Africa so often fail?
Laura Orlando
At the Bullfrog, Those Left Behind by the Global Economy Find Relief—and a Place to Talk Trump
In a Jamestown, N.Y., hotel and bar, down-and-out former factory workers seek solidarity and camaraderie—often expressed in shared rants about immigrants or liberals.
Kari Lydersen
The White-Supremacist Roots of America’s Libertarian Right
The history of Koch-style libertarian economics is steeped in racism.
Chris Lehmann
War for the Planet of the Apes Lacks the Courage of Its Convictions
Koba should've won.
Eileen Jones
Before Punk, Skiffle Music Gave Voice to a Working Class That Wanted to Dance
Billy Bragg's new book explores the blue-collar precursor to the British Invasion sound.
Micco Caporale
The Abolitionist of Walden Pond
Two hundred years after his birth, Henry David Thoreau is as relevant as ever.
Dayton Martindale
Sorry, Tories: Jeremy Corbyn’s Success Is a Win for the Anti-Austerity Movement
British progressives have a long fight ahead. But for now, we're breathing a collective sigh of relief.
Jane Miller
The Frustrating Yet Beautiful Drama of “A Ghost Story”
Filmmaker David Lowery's latest is slow, but contains a few genuine spiritual ideas.
Michael Atkinson
Squatters’ 60-Year War Against Private Property
How propertied classes team up with the state to forcibly evict urban squatters.
Margaret Garb
The Fairy Tales Capitalists Tell Themselves
The new book The Wisdom of Money amounts to morale-boosting capitalist agitprop.
Chris Lehmann
Beta Testing Fascism: How Online Culture Wars Created the Alt-Right
Angela Nagle's "Kill All Normies" charts the ideology's emergence from the internet's darkest corners.
John Michael Colón
Okja: The Veggie-Prop Children’s Film You Really Need to See
The director of Snowpiercer is back with a kiddie film that meets vegetarian propaganda, with surprising success.
Michael Atkinson
Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay: Examining Britain’s Populist Revolt
David Goodhart's The Road to Somewhere goes nowhere worth following.
Jane Miller
The Return of Nunsploitation
Jeff Baena’s The Little Hours is a clever update on Boccaccio's The Decameron.
Michael Atkinson
How the Threat of Apocalypse Justifies American Empire
A new book argues that in the military's hands, warnings of world's end become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Chris Lehmann
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