
California’s Left Swing Is Very Good News for Progressives Nationwide
Tuesday's primaries show that from universal healthcare to early childhood education and taxing the wealthy, progressives are winning the battle of ideas in the Democratic Party.
Theo Anderson
Never Mind the Wall—They’re Building Warehouses for Immigrant Children
The newest plank of immigration enforcement? Piling children into overcrowded detention centers.
Peter Certo
Why We Should Be Alarmed That Israeli Forces and U.S. Police Are Training Together
Black and Palestinian activists speak out about a dangerous pattern.
Domenica Ghanem
An Immigration Lawyer Explains What’s Really Happening with Family Separation
A conversation with Eve Stotland, director of legal services for The Door.
Sarah Jaffe
With More Gaza Protests Planned, Don’t Believe the Mainstream Media’s Lies
Here are the mainstream media myths to look out for.
Tamara Nassar
Why Ireland’s “Yes” Vote on Abortion Changes Everything
The historic vote to enshrine reproductive rights is the result of decades of organizing by Irish women—and its impact will be felt in countries across the globe.
Molly M. Ginty
Investigation: Corporations Are Profiting From Immigrant Detainees’ Labor. Some Say It’s Slavery.
At privately run detention centers, immigrants say they're forced to work for $1 a day.
Victoria Law
Lessons From the First Palestinian Intifada
Recent Gaza demonstrations fall into a long tradition of mass unarmed protest.
Mason Herson-Hord
Progressives Have Won the Battle to Redefine What an “Establishment Candidate” Is
Recent elections show that in 2018, centrists no longer reign supreme.
Sean McElwee
What We Can Learn From How Laura Moser Made the Democratic Establishment Sweat
After her campaign was torpedoed by the DCCC, Moser gave the establishment's preferred candidate a run for her money.
Branko Marcetic
Illinois Bill Would Allow Cops to Spy on Protesters Using Drones With Facial-Recognition Technology
Putting this new surveillance power in the hands of police would threaten the most basic right to assemble.
Matthew McLoughlin
Chase Says It’s Fighting Climate Change. So Why Is It Financing the Fossil Fuel Industry?
Here's why climate justice campaigners protested the big bank's shareholder meeting last week.
Kate Aronoff
YIMBYs Exposed: The Techies Hawking Free Market “Solutions” to the Housing Crisis
Anti-displacement activists hate them. Tech firms and big developers love them—and shower them with cash.
Toshio Meronek
The Never-Ending Nakba
Israel mass-expelled Palestinians from their lands in 1948. The displacement hasn't stopped since.
Rahul Saksena
The Only Explanation for Why the NRA Has Chosen Oliver North as its New President
The selection of North, a known war criminal, shows that the NRA is fully embracing its role as an extremist right-wing organization.
Branko Marcetic
Socialists and Progressives Just Trounced the Democratic Establishment
On Tuesday, insurgent challengers beat out their opponents in races across the country by running on bold left platforms.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Palestinians Are Forcing the World to See Their Humanity
The Gaza massacre is a war crime. And the United States is complicit alongside Israel.
Phyllis Bennis
Watch This Palestinian-American Woman Crush Every Media Trope About the Gaza Protests
Noura Erakat delivers a much-needed corrective to dehumanizing U.S. media spin.
Sarah Lazare
As Israel Kills Dozens, Gazans Continue to Protest. A Palestinian Woman Explains Why.
"This is a revolution of refugees," says Intimaa Alsdudi.
Alex Kane
A Democratic Spring: 12 Left Challengers Taking On the Party Establishment in 2018
The scattering of challenges to the Democratic establishment after Bernie Sanders’ run has become a tidal wave.
Theo Anderson
This Mother’s Day, Mexican Moms Marched for Their Disappeared Children
Mothers are demanding the return of their missing children—and charging the Mexican state with culpability.
Chantal Flores
It’s Time for a Public Option in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Drug companies are hated for a reason—they exist to maximize profits, not make us healthier. It’s time to put them under public control.
Dana Brown and Thomas M. Hanna
Is Your Job Bullshit? David Graeber on Capitalism’s Endless Busywork
In his new book, the anarchist and anthropologist looks at why almost 40 percent of us think our jobs are meaningless.
Dayton Martindale
How Russia-Obsessed Democrats Set the Stage for Trump’s Disastrous Violation of the Iran Deal
Leading Democrats have bundled their push for a tough stance on Russia with escalation towards Iran.
Michael Arria and Sarah Lazare
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