
What the Deployment of Green Berets to the Saudi-Yemen Border Tells Us About America’s Dirty War
The U.S. tries to distance itself from Saudi war crimes in Yemen—but it's always been America's war too.
Shireen Al-Adeimi

Congress Wants to Give Trump a Bipartisan Blank Check for Declaring War
Presidents have been declaring war by executive fiat. A new bill to replace the AUMF would rubber stamp it.
Danny Sjursen

How Politicians Are Using Faux Progressive Arguments to Lock Up Young People
For six years, Seattle activists battled with policymakers who are pushing for a costly new youth jail and court project.
Dean Spade

The Historic Korean Peace Declaration Was Made Possible By Social Movements, Not Trump
A conversation with peace activist Christine Ahn.
Sarah Lazare

The Visa Loophole That Big Ag Construction Firms Love To Exploit
How hog barn builders are importing labor at low wages and leaving local workers in the dust.
Stephen Franklin et al.

Lead Is a National Crisis: We Need to Fight for Clean, Publicly Owned Water Before It Is Too Late
Four years after the Flint water crisis began, our nation remains plagued by unsafe drinking water. The solution is a massive public investment in infrastructure.
Rep. Keith Ellison and Wenonah Hauter

Jeremy Corbyn Spent Passover With a Group of Socialist Jews. Here’s Why I’m Not Insulted.
How dare the world decide for us who's a proper Jew.
Jane Miller

Scott Pruitt’s Real Scandal Is Helping Turn the U.S. Into a Full-Fledged Petrostate
The EPA chief isn’t just corrupt—he believes the role of government is to help the fossil fuel industry maximize profits.
Kate Aronoff

Electronic Monitors: How Companies Dream of Locking Us in Our Homes
These are the corporations profiting from e-carceration.
James Kilgore

Kim Stanley Robinson Makes the Socialist Case for Space Exploration
In an interview, the leftist sci-fi author argues that democratic space science is crucial to saving Earth.
Dayton Martindale

Beyond Fluorescent Bulbs: 4 Things Millennials Can Do To Fight Climate Change
From running for office to taking direct action, an imperiled generation must take matters into its own hands.
Samuel Miller-McDonald

Yaser Murtaja Was Killed by Israel While Reporting From Gaza. His Death Is One of Many.
Israel has a long-standing pattern of killing Palestinian journalists and attacking media institutions.
Alex Kane

The Zuckerberg Hearings Were a Show Trial, And Facebook’s Monopoly Remains Unthreatened
Despite public outrage, Congress is not taking meaningful steps to break the power of Facebook.
Julianne Tveten

Senate Democrats Offer Little-to-No Opposition to Trump’s Expansion of Syria Bombings
Ninety-two percent of Senate Democrats and Independents failed to substantively dissent against Trump's April 13 airstrikes.
Sarah Lazare

West Virginia Showed How Necessary—And Difficult—Striking Is
“It was exhilarating and exhausting. You start thinking, ‘Are we going to be out forever?’”
Kate Aronoff

Law Enforcement Has Quietly Backed Anti-Protest Bills in at Least 8 States Since Trump’s Election
And that may be the tip of the iceberg.
Simon Davis-Cohen and Sarah Lazare

The Race to Replace Paul Ryan Says Everything About Party Politics in 2018
With Ryan out, Paul Nehlen, an open white supremacist, is the leading Republican, while Randy Bryce, a progressive populist, is running as a Democrat.
Kate Aronoff

After U of Chicago Cop Shoots Undergrad, Students Say It’s Time to Defund and Disarm Campus Police
Police shot student Charles Thomas last week while he was in the grips of an apparent mental health crisis.
Alex V. Hernandez

Trump Doesn’t Care About Civilian Deaths. Just Look at Yemen.
For three years, the United States has backed a brutal Saudi-led war on Yemen, and ordinary people are paying the price.
Shireen Al-Adeimi

Bombs Aren’t the Answer: A Case for Vigorous Diplomacy in Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen
The latest escalation in Syria underlines the need for political, not military, solutions.
Stephen R. Weissman

We Must Stop John Bolton From Escalating War in Syria
Trump's threats to escalate military intervention could open a new, dangerous front in the ongoing conflict.
Phyllis Bennis

Ta-Nehisi Coates Made the Case for Reparations—Here’s Who Is Making the Plan
Black scholars and organizers are thinking beyond just a check.
Dayton Martindale

The DCCC’s Long, Ugly History of Sabotaging Progressives
The latest attacks on left challengers are no fluke: For decades the House Democratic fundraising body has put corporate, big-money interests first.
Branko Marcetic

Progressives Have a Game Plan for Replacing the Chicago Machine
The March 20 Illinois primary saw big victories for progressive challengers taking on machine-backed candidates. It’s a model we can follow to transform Chicago politics.
Amisha Patel and Emma Tai